Its honestly amazing. I keep hearing bitwig is the way to go if you want to use linux and also be happy
Its honestly amazing. I keep hearing bitwig is the way to go if you want to use linux and also be happy
There are alternative DAWs but ngl they all make me sad. And some vsts are a nightmare to get running too.
But they are alot better than trying to get fl running on Linux imo. Check out zrythm if you ever have some time to kill. It sounds lile the most promising one.
If the data stays on a local device why is drm protection even necessary 🤔
Duckduckgo, kagi, and Searxng are the ones i hear about the most
I asked myself the same thing bc i read this and I’m still skeptical.
I don’t think they could present anything that would exonerate them except literal recordings proving the accuaations false. Which sucks if they’re innocent, but like i said im skeptical.
What sits wrong with me here is that one of the underlying complaints was on the basis of there being few or no other women in the workplace and it allowing for the existence of a hostile work environment. Thats not a problem that gets fixed by suing the woman speaking out on these potential issues.
I’d start watching them again if they prove consistently that they are trying to resolve the underlying issues that were brought up. Having more female representation etc. That and time.
Its winter that makes it a necessity for us
The software developer in me hates you. You’re not wrong but still 😡
Seriously how is this technology?
It is. But in your defence at this point it only matters when something goes wrong. And that’s getting pretty rare.
I think it’s why there’s such a clear divide between people who “just use Linux” and those who don’t. Modern computers hide almost all information that would let you figure stuff out on your own and Linux makes you figure stuff out like once a month.
But all that means is that your choices are more and more limited. And it’s how Microsoft is able to sneak such predatory practices into their OS. You can’t go anywhere else
It really is a shame that music production is so painful in Linux. All I need to make the final switch
When you can’t do nothing, but there’s nothing you can do, do what you can.
Thanks for the detailed comments. Is this the kind of thing you talk about at hexbear? I’d call myself a skeptic but I love the topic
Thank you I’ve gotten so many quality responses to this question and alot to think about.
Thanks for providing such detailed responses. I think my biggest problem with marxist ideologies is that I don’t know an example of them working outside of theory. It seems to me like greed is a natural part of human nature and capitalism generally feeds into that nature as terrible as that is. Its not sustainable in the long term, but that also tends to be when revolutions happen to redistribute the wealth
100% agree. I had a much higher opinion of the soviet union before i heard how little it took to be placed in a gulag. It sounded like a toxic environment for voicing concerns at the very least. Although my sources could be biased I suppose.
Generally competition is good for the “consumer” or citizen in this case
I suspect the failure of viable alternatives to capitalism in the 90s resulted in the runaway scenario we see today. That doesn’t make the Soviet union good though.
You are a HERO ty