I upgraded to a Creality Sprite Pro direct drive unit and it has been a game changer in terms of quality and consistency. Best thing I’ve done.
I upgraded to a Creality Sprite Pro direct drive unit and it has been a game changer in terms of quality and consistency. Best thing I’ve done.
I really want a NSFL tag. I very much do not want to see gore. There are other buckets of things that I’d like to be tagged for ease of filtering. Yiff and Furry art. I fully support those that do want to enjoy that content, I’d just like to be able to filter easier.
I’m so glad I was able to find a place with municipal internet. It was one of our criteria , but one we were prepared to give up on as we were getting more desperate in our search for a house.
Is there something like this but where I can feel like buzz in my head. It’s like all of my senses are vibrating. I can feel this vibration intensify when I move my eyes or turn my head. It’s usually coupled with deep task paralysis and disassociation from the world around me.
I wish I could find the right combination of words to describe this feeling. Back in the day we used to use these metal stakes pushed into the ground. Plug the stakes into a wall outlet and it drives the worms up out of the dirt, easy way to collect bait for fishing. Anyway, sometimes you had to twist the the stake in the dirt to adjust it a bit and when it was plugged in, those stakes have this weird electric buzz feeling. Closest thing I can get to describe the feeling.
I lived just outside of Tucson, AZ during Covid. When we bought our house, we were assured that xfinity was extending service to our house and beyond shortly. We tried getting the service and they sent out a truck to do a site survey. Xfinity said “lol no”. Our options were CenturyLink dsl with top speed of 3mpbs down and 768k up or a narrow band wireless repeater service from town. None of those were able to even support a 480p stream of tv, let alone the needs of having to switch to 100% remote. We wound up having to use a shitty 4g LTE router that used some sort data plan through AT&T. 150gb data cap and beyond it throttled down to 3g speeds. At the time starlink was accepting people into a beta but not as far south as we lived in the desert.
Luckily we were able to sell that place and relocate to a much better place. We now have municipal broadband with no caps and a static ip. They are building out fiber services to the underserved rural places around town first and then building here and I’m excited to someday have fiber.
Nice try totally not in the FBI Garry!!!
If there was an easy answer, it would already be done.
The only thing I can say is treat everyone with as much empathy and kindness as you can. There is plenty of anger and shouting to go around and you don’t win people to your side by shaming or insulting.
Those people are still just people and we have much more in common than we have differences. We all want to provide for the people we care about and want to feel safe and stable. They are just fed a non-stop diet of lies and propaganda pushing them to be how they are.
The world has enough vitriol. It could use a lot more kindness.
I think the answer has something to do with Programming Socks
Hell yeah there is. The only billionaire news I care about is some future article that talk about how they lost all their wealth because they finally had to pay their taxes or some shit.
I made that mistake when I first bought my LG tv. The ads and bloat got too bad. Luckily I was able to factory reset and then never connected it to the internet. Use a cheap little 4k android streaming box made by Asus.
A buddy of mine was so proud that he had the entirety of The Simpsons on his TiVo (at the time). He was soooooo pissed when lightning hit a utility pole and fried a bunch of his electronics. The tivo was wrecked.
Let’s see
PDA: I mostly dodged this one. I did have a blackberry phone before I got my first Android.
DVD Recorder: Nope. I had a reader and a burner in my PC and I occasionally copied like that. My buddy had a 6 drive dvd duplicator though and that thing was amazing. Source disc I. The top, 5 blanks in their burners.
WebTV: No also. My mom almost bought a Philips 3DO but bailed at the last second crushing my hopes and dreams.
3D TV: I had a set of active shutter glasses from MSI that worked with a pair of 32mb Voodoo2 video cards in SLI. Each card rendered the image for an eye. I remember playing TONS of Quake 2.
RaspPi: Yes and it’s still in use running my 3d printer.
Internet Radio: I streamed a ton of internet radio on iTunes. Worked as a graphic designer for a newspaper and that was the only way to not hear my bosses breath whistle through her teeth.
Any TiVo veterans?
One reason is a specific manufacturing process known as Kaizen. Here is a quick blog I found that describes it.
I am actively job hunting right now. I don’t job hop too much. When I can focus and engage with my work, it’s amazing. My last job was 12 years and I’ve been at my current gig for 5.5.
In my current job Im a department head with zero supervision. It sucks because I crave feedback and direction. But I talk to my boss for 15 minutes every week and otherwise im on an island by myself. I derive a lot of my self-worth from my work, I know I shouldn’t, but it’s complicated.
I also work a high stress career in a thankless industry that I despise. Very much want to “get out” and into something that is more of service to my community. Sadly those types of jobs don’t typically pay well.
Thanks for the recommendations. I don’t really read much anymore. Something I used to love that I can’t even force myself to do.
I looked up that RSD and holy shit that hits home!
My buddy had that catastrophic burnout years back also. He keeps telling me “yours is coming, just wait”. He had a good financial cushion to fall back on when his happened. I don’t have that. If I lose my job I’ll be homeless in no time. I honestly don’t know what I’ll do if this gets any worse.
I plan on talking to my therapist in our next session. I like the work we are doing on other stuff, but I really need the help with the brain fog and getting my shit together to keep my job.
I have done a sleep study! I have 2 types of sleep apnea and I use a bipap. I get a solid 7 hours of sleep most nights! Not sure on the “deep %” part though. I’ve always been a shallow sleeper and am a chronic sleep procrastinator.
I live in the PNW and it’s a 6 month wait list to get any kind of mental health care that I can’t give up my therapist to get another.
Haven’t done a hormone test though. Is that like testing T levels and stuff?
Ugh yes, finally. More time to doom scroll the feeds, numb to the real world. I just need enough dopamine to keep swiping.