Interesting. Thanks for your clear explanation.
Interesting. Thanks for your clear explanation.
Spot on. This lack of secure employment (and yes, also probably lack of sense of purpose) also undermines the social relationships necessary to collectively bargain (with a union or not) for better working conditions. When workers don’t feel they have each other’s back, they are less likely to pressure an employer for better pay and conditions.
That’s why I said:
Which would of course also require a collective form of prenatal sex selection
If the goal would be to have a stable population size but with fewer births per woman, I think a collective form of prenatal sex selection (of the kind I describe above) would work.
What this sex selection would look like would be another issue. Whether externally fertilized embryos are selected before they are placed in a womb, or whether it would involve forms of abortion (or even infanticide): it’s up to your imagination.
But there are no lies, nor any misapplied statistics?
Thanks all for your replies. Interesting.
I’m a bit surprised that nobody comments on the matriarchal speculation at the end. You’re all fine with that?
Expressed as “the average number of babies that an individual woman needs to have for a certain population to stay the same size”, the replacement rate should not depend on population size, right?
If you express it as an absolute number (e.g. number of babies per year) than obviously it will depend on population size.
From what I understand, the replacement rate (expressed as the average number of babies that an individual woman needs to have for a certain population to stay the same size), depends mostly on what percentage of people die before they (can) have babies.
Yes, thank you
Yes Al Gore (and other people with too much money) should consume less energy (including electricity), but no that changes nothing about the importance of his (then) message, and yes there are plenty of places that are already suffering from the effects sea level rise. You are fooling yourself and its harming us all.
And girls
I moved from Logic to Ardour and I’m pretty happy (but I understand that Logic is hard to beat).
Yes I second all of this. If you dont want to self-host, Nextcloud hosted on some external server is the way forward. Nextcloud is incredibly versatile. It’s my music collection, photo collection, agenda, contacts, file sync, location tracker and much more.
What OS are you on?
Love it
Yes, its great
Do you know this: https://radiofreefedi.net/
Because the people settle there. The land was “empty”, like it was “empty” for the settlers in the Americas. See first synonym below.
settler: noun a person who moves with a group of others to live in a new country or area. “the early European settlers in America were often fleeing from religious persecution”
synonyms: colonist, colonizer, frontiersman, frontierswoman, pioneer, immigrant, newcomer, incomer, homesteader, habitant, redemptioner, squatter
Been using Phonetrack for years and never had that problem… Better see if you cab find answers on the github page yes.
Thanks for pointing this out. The level of misguidedness is painful.