I think Utah did it, or is at least experimenting with it
I think Utah did it, or is at least experimenting with it
Genuinely speaking, I’ll gladly wait a significant amount of time longer just to do self check. The worst is at Publix (I think they are just in the south eastern US) where I have to avoid eye contact so they don’t wave me into a normal checkout area
According to steam charts, it averages about 26,000 players per day on steam, not that many but I imagine across all platforms it probably has 250,000 players that play semi regularly. Granted by those assumptions they just banned the whole player base
It probably just depends on the location then cause I charged my ev6 at 2 different Sheetz on a trip I had a couple weeks ago.
+1 to InternetHistorian’s ads, the only channel where I purposely don’t skip over the ads even if I know I’m never gonna actually get said product
Or too afraid to speak up about issues
Yeah it was a bit annoying at first, but I just created a “all” user that just subbed to everything (well not everything, shout-out to all the communities that speak another language). I don’t recall exact links but if you just search for “all bot Lemmy” there are some stuff people have made which will just auto join basically all communities in an instance
Murica obviously, no other place exists
Just adding onto this as someone who got an ender 3 V2. This comment rings so true because I tried and tried to get the printer to work how I wanted for months before I just gave up. Flash forward almost 2 years and I got a much nicer but not crazy (~$400 if I recall) and it’s such a night and day difference. I actually quite enjoy printing now, whereas I just kinda thought it wasn’t for me with my first printer. Turns out cheap tools really do give cheap results