4K, 8K, 1,293K is overrated gimmicks to me. I want to see actual improvements, not just how big the resolution can get and how much detail. The last thing that wow’ed me like that were movie theater screens. I’m not really that impressed with it. Also 60FPS shows and things are so off-putting!
Look, Mark has royally screwed up Facebook. Any respect or honor with the guy has long been lost. Why even give him a second chance when it’s obvious he’s going to do the same thing with Threads?
His Metaverse failed. His Facebook/Meta thing failed.
He is a huge red alert to be involved or close to the very things we’re trying to recover and escape to from things he has contaminated. Why chance associating with him?
I’ve been online for years and years. Enough to know that, we’ve been giving our data away before social media took off. Social Media and search engines like Google, have accelerated it and made it a farming thing as the basis of their foundations.
So what I’m referring to about giving our data away before the social media era, is that we have registered on to forums and we have registered to chat rooms and other services. We willingly gave them our names, even beneath the screen names we registered under. We willingly discussed a lot of ourselves within those forums and we can’t preemptively assume that they aren’t keeping some record of what we’re doing and saying. We know all sites keep a stamp of our IP addresses, so it’s a safe bet that they’re also collecting everything we do within their site’s boundaries.
I’m not trying to say that we should all just expose ourselves, en masse. But I will say that you are responsible and you’ve been responsible for what you decide to put there online. You are right to be questioning and working against things like Google needing your street address to recover a simple password when there had been other proven methods to recover your password by. However, it comes off a little ridiculous when you’re griping about privacy while also being someone who dumps their life stories on that platform or this platform.
Power-tripping users that somehow have access to hundreds of sub-communities and lean heavily on automodding and just reacting by absolutes because they lack problem solving skills.
Shitty, unfunny jokes that spiral into lengthy comment chains that are a chore to weed through. Keep that shit on Reddit, because everyone pretends they’re some downtrodden, unspoken stand up comedian on there.
Thought policing.
Word policing. Yeah I get that we shouldn’t say n***** and stuff. But, why go through the trouble of censoring swears? I mean come on, we’ve grown up to have the privilege of airing those words out!
Pretty sad that this bitch is getting paid to crack things. I don’t know what’s stopping a band of people to just hack her shit up and take what’s been helping to crack denuvo so it isn’t bottlenecked by unchecked individuals such as she.