I don’t have an iPhone. Samsung Wallet only allows to add everything but payment cards
I don’t have an iPhone. Samsung Wallet only allows to add everything but payment cards
I believe it is more refined than that. People in sound mind do not like violence, they want a peaceful and stable life for their families and friends.
If you show violence, you portray a threat. Over time people will be more lenient to surveillance and restriction of freedom in the name of law and order. Look at US people, tolerating torture and widespread vigilance since 11/9. All while still spewing “China bad” or “Putin bad”. Why? The ends justify the means.
Let’s see if it was a mistake or if the violence is here to stay in Meta apps
Not really, but I found out about lemmy and the Fediverse one week ago. I already told about it to 2 people, maybe if you ask me again in a couple of weeks the answer may be different
That is a good idea. I’ll close my account as well.