Why use Apache over Nginx?
Buddhist, FOSS, Linux, selfhosting enthusiast, researcher, plantbased, anarchism and MLM interested
Why use Apache over Nginx?
Yeah it’s way healthier. You can turn it off in your settings too
That is a lot cheaper
It seems like you want a curated list?
Then check the most basic sites first bro 0_o
Have you checked torrent leach? Is it an Asian film
Since you mentioned Raleigh, there are certainly some interesting religious studies scholars at state and duke. Adler at state and Sun and Jaffe at Duke.
And you’re doing your program online?
I just use my fire stick.
Some devices have sound leveling or something. I can’t remember what it’s called. It’s so annoying when movies are like this. The most recent one I watched that was this dumb was the dark knight. I recently figured out how to connect my headphones to my tv and that makes this way easier
What level are you referring to? Some in my PhD have been remote the whole time as the first two years were online then they just never came in person.
I can only tell by how my torrents run, I’d say pretty good but not great. That could also be because I’m running 1,600 torrents
.com’s are 10 bucks. How cheap could it be??
Could it be because that into the fediverse site became anti lemmy?
I’m sorry :/
Yeah let this one go
Honestly I’m not sure I’d recommend it. It’s really hard and it completely changing everything: life, marriage, work life balance, sleep, stress, etc.
I wouldn’t change having one but it was not made clear to me how unbelievably hard it is.
If you’re in a culture where you parents actually help it’s more doable. Assuming you’re a westerner then it’s hard.
This guys dad gambles
I read your whole comment. I’m working on a PhD in religious studies so your in my field of interest ;) I will try to respond to you when I’m not on mobile so I can read as I write
Are you using cloud flare?