It works, I’ve been using the bridge linked for about a month no issues so far.
It works, I’ve been using the bridge linked for about a month no issues so far.
Because someone can just host a CP instance and now that instance even if defederated from other instances still provides a safe space for pedophiles to share content and other illegal stuff.
If someone it stupid enough to publicly host CP on their own instance then I very much doubt they would be able to hide from the cops. If they are privately hosting illegal content then I don’t think it really matters what software they are using.
Cool, so different smithing techniques wouldn’t make much of a difference. It comes down to weight and thickness etc.
Well yes obviously in a fight the better trained soldier is more likely to win. My question was more aimed at whether the the smithing techniques used for a katana would result in a noticeable difference if using the same materials.
European swords outclass katanas due to steel quality but how would a katana made with modern high quality steel hold up?
How about hamsters and elderberries.
And it’s really hard to type it out aye.
There’s an android app. I think you have to download it from their website rather than the play store cos it is in beta.