Oooh. Someone’s getting a 0.001% fine to continue business as usual. Juicy.
Oooh. Someone’s getting a 0.001% fine to continue business as usual. Juicy.
Lose Elon, Gain Respect.
He’ll close Tesla completely before he allows this. So win win
Am I out of touch?
No surely one more pizza party will turn this around.
My solar panels beg to differ.
Yo dawg we heard you like greenhouse gases.
Wow. Who could have predicted that!?!?
Bye Felicia
They’re probably mostly dead and someone is still collecting their checks.
Nonsense. Small sample size studies are legitimate, there is just an increased margin of error when generalizing to the population. They can absolutely still be significant.
Wow a stylus. The thing I literally never use ever and forget exists. Exciting!
As a tech worker my only anger is that they’re not getting paid more.
Yeah, and history shows that “structural relief” is going to be a small fine.