Why not use just a regular generator with that windmill, which would generate electricity for you, probably more efficiently, which you can use for light, heating, or whatever you want.
Why not use just a regular generator with that windmill, which would generate electricity for you, probably more efficiently, which you can use for light, heating, or whatever you want.
Why do you use minio for image serving ? There are much better ways to do so. Nextcloud, Immich, Photoprism and others…
From really long term hydrogen makes a lots of sense, much more than Li-* batteries. There is no need for digging up rare earth metals, H2 is a byproduct of creating graphene and various processes can create it. Also filling up liquid hydrogen takes still less, than any charging available. And IMO it can be much cleaner than any other technology on horizon currently. Only more effective but not necessarily cleaner are the plans for small nuclear power plants.
And then they wonder why people loosing trust in media… 🤔
You really dont want to live in a sterile environment, you actually need some stimulation to your immune and other bodily systems. Most body stuff is like muscles including the immune system - when you regularly over load and stress them, thats the impulse to stimulate growth and evolving.
That really reminded me of that southpark episode, where the scientist guy was creating monkeys with many asses :D
VPN is basically just a encrypted channel between 2 systems, while one of them forward traffic to the internet and unless they block/filter every encrypted connection, there is no way to block it at mass…
Reddit has adds ? Never seen one, uBlock doing its marvelous job…
Dont forget, around 30% of ALL US emissions comes from US military - but no one is pushing to reduce that, and to the contrary, many politicians push for green stuff while also push for war and military… The level of ignorance and hypocrisy…
Its actually pretty simple, the same blanket rules which most governments try to push doesnt work, just for a simple fact, that the diversity of environments and needs coming from that cant be captured and decided by centralized point of control. Lets just take guns - most city ppl try to ban them and reduce, because in crowded environments, even if a cop trying to stop someone, he can often put others in to danger just due to how crowded those places are. But on the other hand, if you live on a remote location, where all kind of wild life threatens you, and any help hour away, not having a gun is basically a death sentence. Yet, governments trying to push a blanket policy for both - and that simply shows how ignorant that centralization can become. And this is true in basically all aspects of life, which more and more the government try to regulate.
There can be some level of centralized coordination, but it always have to be tied to the needs of those smaller local units and they have to have the last say in it and it must be a hierarchy of this control coming from the bottom…
Im all for it, if it means that government 3 letter organizations cant demand block of users either…
that impulse came from the socialistic Canadian government mainly, so tying them even more with state doesnt come with more freedom, but just more restrictions and control… Without their approval and suggestions, that would absolutely not happen.
We basically need fragmentation - to small local counties, instead of a multinational hegemony.
We can use new technologies, but we always should have a fallback option, in this case cash, otherwise quite bad things usually happen if the technology fails. Planes also have multiple backup systems, many even systems which can work during total electrical system failure. One would expect similar levels of redundancy in other crucial systems, but somehow this is not really the case.
Lets not forget another scenario, if there is some large scale issue - massive internet outage for whatever reason, you are done in cashless society… You cant buy basic stuff…
And such scenario is not out of a scifi, it happened in 1859 - Carrington event - a solar eruption so large, it completely crippled the whole telegraph system, which is much more resilient than our current electronic age… And its not a question if it happens again, but when…
But we dont even need to go that far, just look at Hawaii - large part of it is out of service due to current fires…
Thats why I would never abandon physical money completely…
Yeah, you can totally trust government and big corporation, just like in Canada. /s
Canada banks froze hundreds of accounts during trucker protests, some of them were just some random supporters which sent some bucks to support… So its not propaganda, and its enough to read history, there are plenty of examples, how governments struck down on its own people, why do you think there is a second amendment in US constitution ?
The Omada probably not. But many other tp-link routers support it, especially the low spec ones. I mean, if we are getting to something more performant and feature rich, there are probably much better options, like Turris Omnia, some Microtik stuff and many other.
but what is nice, many tp-link hw can run regular openwrt, which is way better than the thing they provide…
something running openWRT. I for example have a Turris Omnia, which is running their own fork of openwrt. https://www.turris.com/en/omnia/overview/
They already have a forever mouse - its called Logitech MX518 - at this point its over 18 years old, and beside some small paint deficiencies it has no other issues. And it was used quite heavily - it survived years of intensive button mashing in Diablo2 and many other games…