The fuck? If you’re gonna change the shape of the keys, at least make them hexagons. Because as we all know, hexagons are the bestagons.
The fuck? If you’re gonna change the shape of the keys, at least make them hexagons. Because as we all know, hexagons are the bestagons.
If precedent still mattered, that would be comforting.
That’s easy. Constitutionally, you can’t be President longer than 2 terms. Wartime emergency powers can stop elections, cementing power permanently.
Plenty of people have shitty parents and turn out fine. That’s no excuse at all.
The French really know how to party.
Elon has always been a terrible person, but he was once focused on things that society actually needed, like electrifying transportation to avoid climate collapse.
He seems to have gone sharply downhill into total insanity by taking ketamine while locking himself in a rightwing echo chamber. It’s the perfect storm of dissociating from reality.
Probably reinforcement learning? LLMs are a bad architecture for something like real time video games
Being pedantic about the differences between mammoths and mastodons is legitimately one of my favorite pastimes. Thank you!
The problem is that a reduction in trust correlates to a reduction in users. A reduction in Firefox increases Chromium’s dominance on the web, which is a near monopoly already. A monopoly on web renderers in turn is bad for open web standards.
WebAssembly is the target, not js, I believe.
Agreed on all counts, except that rebrands rarely succeed without boatloads of cash behind them. And even then not always.
I’ve heard (and experienced to a certain extent) that a rebrand is a sign of the beginning of the end for a product.
Yes, and also ultra processed foods can be more calories for less food. It’s relatively hard to overeat raw whole vegetables compared to Oreos.
So you can end up eating more, feeling full, while still reducing overall calorie intake. (Though maybe that’s what you meant in the first place.)
Sounds like it’s time to leak a bunch of politician nudes to show them why encryption matters.
Okay but these models are actually pretty interesting when you dive in. Useful yet? Not by a long shot (I’m guessing decades, not years of work). But interesting nonetheless.
Blood from crushed orphans is up 300% this year! 📈
Being a shitty person is multidisciplinary, apparently.
Like, have you ever gone on a sugar fast for a couple days then drank some fruit juice? That shit hits HARD.
You know who wouldn’t have missed a word there? ChatGPT.
(Not saying it would’ve written a better article but AI is typically good at not making silly typos like humans.)
And let’s be honest, a certain percentage of junior devs never do learn. That’s always been the case, AI or not.
Please file Nicole between “Beans” and “Trying not to Poop”