There’s a lot of “services” like Klarna where you buy now for payments split over several months. At first glance these often seem ok but they’re essentially loans with credit card interest rates.
That’s a very abrahamic religious centric view. No fault divorce existed in the latter Roman empire, and was in certain Norse communities and other “pagan”/heathen societies the world over.
At least read the article man.
Just go to an atm near a strip club.
Having the same last name is just an easy way to show togetherness and unity. My wife kept her last name because she earned her MD with it but she’s fine going by Mrs. (my last name) in a parental setting.
Basically 5-15min of stretching in the morning and evening (shorter if younger or decently flexible, longer if older or less flexible). You start with what you can do easily then go until you “feel it” then you do your best to hold it for 10-30s and relax (slow breathing). If you stop feeling it go farther (it was just muscle tensing in the way) and a couple inches more and you’ll be at your current real limit hold for 10-30s then do other stretches.
Will take 1wk to a couple months. The biggest caveat is the risk of injury for those who don’t know their bodies well or try to rush the process.
I don’t think there are many Freemasons around anymore and most of lodges that remain have probably adapted their rules.
Nothing in this says she didnt or couldnt wear a patch. Journalist trying to make an emotional connection to her vision loss and then bare bones about the medical.
While she may have worn a patch, they aren’t the most comfy and can get a lot of stares and questions. People are rude af to people with any noticeable abnormalities. A patch would also mean basically zero depth perception due to only having one eye seeing.
Fine, fine I’ll bite.
Vaccine safety should be compared to the disease. Considering covid-19 is known to influence thrombotic events ( it is bad science to not compare this( lie 1). This layers on to not including whether the patients who had these CTEs ever had covid, or other risk factors(lie 2). Without any exclusionary or comparative criteria of this sort it is not separating what is a “true” vaccine-related adverse event from just a general event.
It makes zero sense to compare vaccines without any dose comparison(lie 3). Over 640 million doses of the covid-19 vaccine were given in the US. Whereas flu has about 150-200 million doses/year. Population receiving those doses is also different.
Given how the method starts with lies, whatever statistics they have are already useless. That’s 3 lies of omission just in the abstract without bothering with further detail.
All posting this does is spread disinformation and give them site views they don’t deserve.
There are no good guys. That said no I don’t want to be under the Chinese surveillance state especially as a non-chinese. India also not great at the moment though. Those are just the two main countries with the population and domestic production capacity to potentially go toe to toe with the American military, probably still need some help from Europe…our military is so damn bloated.
Well I doubt the orange cares about deporting people to the correct country so you might get more problems…sorry.
Would take China and/or India in that case. Europe and Canada don’t have the population, Mexico probably doesn’t the will.
Just make suburban mom’s believe it’s special somehow. Manuka honey goes for like $40/lbs at Costco vs regular honey at like $5-10.
They did… and found nothing except an occasional republican fraud. The facts don’t matter to facists.
Just as an FYI don’t need any white in there to have eye colors other than brown. Just increases the likelihood.
$50/mo for internet is a relatively low rate for the US unless you’re lucky enough to live in one of the few places with municipal internet.
Can’t rely on that either. The CEO who threatened to kill over trying to change the hotdog price has been gone for a while now.
The 3 Supreme Court appointments Trump got (ACB, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch)in his one term was also just shy of Reagan’s 4 (william rehnquist to chief, Sandra day O’Connor, Antonin Scalia, and Anthony Kennedy). Bush jr replaced rehnquist and Sandra with current shitstains John Roberts, and Samuel Alito.
Pretty high on Rupert, he’s 93 he’s had at least one stroke already and the wiki picture from 2012 already has him looking one foot in the grave and he broke his back in a fall a year ago.