Sorry, which ones are better than their competitors?
Sorry, which ones are better than their competitors?
True, though Hitler for sure was more intelligent than trump
Being a hypocrite doesn’t automatically make you wrong
The godawful web browser drek, yeah
I’m the CTO 😈
Having said that, it’ll take at least a year to shift, I have little illusion about it being fast and easy. Well also always need some teams because most of our customers use it and if you want customers, you now need teams.
Fuck you Microsoft
Yeah, far right says the same and I’m not buying it from them either
Yeah that’s just horseshoe theory with extra steps and gymnastics to be able to say that far left is okay, really, they never do anything wrong, trust me!
Unless they do as tankies ARE the far left
It’s a personal thing, I guess, but Microsoft UI designs (to me) look all god awful crap permanently stuck in 90’s computer UIs.
Every time I see teams or -gagh- outlook, I have to vomit a little in my mouth, its just off putting.
I don’t like google either but at least their UI mostly feels nice
Then there is apple, but usually the “keep it simple” is way, WAY pushed too far.
The solution to that question is easy. Your premise is faulty; there is no such thing as a god or gods. They’re man made ideas and there is literally zero evidence to support any god exists. There is loads and loads of evidence that each and every god has been created by humans.
If there is such a thing as a god anyway, it is beyond what can ever measured and it also never interferes with human life or any physical process. In that case, it may as well not exist as it literally doesn’t do anything, making the question moot.
He does touch it. Remember the obliterated launch pad that also critically damaged his rocket about a year ago? That was him.
Also, SpaceX runs “well” because it got billions of government dollars to get humans to Mars and so far they’ve been able to blow up a banana over the Indian ocean. Literally. SpaceX has spent all that money and hasn’t even hit the first target on a long list of targets.
Think about this: SpaceX has spent more time and government money than NASA did for the Appollo project and what did both do? NASA got the first human to the moon. SpaceX shot a car in low earth orbit, obliterated a launch pad (amongst so much more) and fried a banana over the Indian ocean. Their big rocket managed to hit LEO in an uncontrolled spin until it burned up. Seriously, SpaceX is playing at step one and failing to reach step 2
They do cheer loudly when yet again a rocket blows up. Do you remember all the cheers at NASA when their tickets blew up all the time? Oh yeah, that’s right. They had a tiny fraction of the computer power of today and went for the “do it right the first time” and they did.
SpaceX sucks. It’s just another Musk toy that peoplem are giving a free pass because reasons.
Yeah horseshoe theory is an actual thing and it shows hard here on Lemmy. Same lies, same taxticts, different extremists.
Canada too, instill see loads of fax use here
And again, don’t have to deal with this corporate nonsense on my Linux machine. Maybe at work just ask IT to switch your machine to Linux. They likely won’t, but if enough people complain and ask, they might actually start thinking about using sane systems
Yeah, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. It’s just another asshole.
Google, over the past few years has notably getting worse. Apps that always worked flawlessly lately started getting buggy. YouTube app on Android now crashes near daily, Gmail is suddenly riddled with bugs… It wasn’t like this.
Google was a software / tech company that started dabbling in ads to make money. This change toe company to what it is now, an ad company that does a bit of tech on the side.
Google Chrome is now the new ie6 and though it sucks in different ways from ie6, at the core the problem is the same
Google and Microsoft are really the same company, it’s just that (for now, still) Google’s software sucks less
Yeah and that is something everyone already is doing anyway, I never said anything about not doing that.
I said that lowering the amount of days to 6 won’t do anything to increase security. Then why not lowering it to 1 day? That ought to be super secure now! Why not 1 hour or 1 minute? Super duper secure?
What is the actual added security benefit here? Because so far all I’ve seen is security theatre, something unexpected from let’sencrypt
Indeed not, it’s how real life works, as there is more to lige than just SSL. If someone has access to your SSL certificates you have a ginormous set of issues, your easily replaceable SSL certificates being one of the lowest priority. I don’t see how a 6 day limit on that is going to do anything at all to help you with safety
Missing bthe point that of they got access to that, they likely have access to a lot more and that you likely have bigger problems than just your SSL certs
U hate it when companies start with those mental gymnastics exercises to pretend they’re open source so they can get more people that way
You’re open source or you’re not. In this case, you’re not, so stop pretending. It makes me want to try your app even less.
They don’t have AGI. AGI also won’t happen for another laege amount of years to come
What they currently have is a bunch of very powerful statistical probability engines that can predict the next word or pixel. That’s it.
AGI is a completely different beast to the current LLM flower leaves