Sadly about 50. But that’s all my plan allows at my address so not a hardware issue.
Sadly about 50. But that’s all my plan allows at my address so not a hardware issue.
I’m on 1.2gbps with my own modem… That’s the fastest available at my address.
Not what you’re asking but since it’s been covered well:
Buy your own cable modem and put your own firewall behind it. Not only will this save you money in the long run, you’ll also have no issues with things like port forwarding. I use Comcast/Xfinity with a docsis3.1 cable modem + a decent firewall and it’s a good way to go.
Thank you, very helpful! And also thanks for putting this info on lemmy :) I figured asking the question here was a good way to get some of that insight here.
Oh I didn’t realize that, thanks!
Ooh I’ll look into Mayan. Seems very feature rich. Thanks!
Thank you! This really helps
Depends on the country / provider. Many cell companies provide battery backup & even gas generators
… they sold it off to squarespace
You’re not wrong in spirit but yeah… they’re battery operated.
Does it line up with the bottom of the z? If so - is it doing solid infill layers for the top few layers?
Thanks for the recommendation!
Depends. They might have a proxy in the network config or DNS or any number of non-network based methods of logging and tracking.
If you think about it the fact that modern English uses “Have” in this context (primarily describing something you own) is actually weirder than “Am” (something you are)
Wow looks great! Thanks for sharing.
Hey, thanks for your interest! I edited the post to add an ‘exploded’ view of the parts. This is prototype #2 and still has some significant issues that I’m working on (and would love community input on!)
My strategy for a watertight print is as follows:
This has actually worked extremely well. The pump has leaks but none of them are from the 3d prints or mating surfaces. What I’m struggling with is preventing water from going out the shaft tunnel. This is a major issue because I’m currently using a chrome-steel bearing at the top for shaft concentricity, which will rust out almost instantly. I made the challenge harder for myself by using a hexagonal drive shaft so I can’t rely on tight tolerances there to keep out the water. I need to sort out a strategy for packing / sealing and/or switch drive shafts + use some kind of off-the-shelf option.
I’ve also been looking into an alternate bearing solution e.g. ceramic. If I can find a good sealed bearing that won’t rust I might be able to just use a tight TPU seal between hex shaft and bearing ID to give it a watertight seal.
The original design had several chrome steel bearings in it (newbie mistake) which I had to replace at the last minute with the nylon bushings. I’m working on a better solution.
edit: see video I just added in the post as well
Shirokuma Cafe (polar bear’s Cafe).