They sure are, bro. They sure are
They sure are, bro. They sure are
And what’s most important is you putting smart people down to make yourself feel superior to them
No you don’t get what I’m saying, because I am explicitly telling you I am not playing your game. My ethics are my personal boundaries, not trivialities up for debate. OP wanted to know what they were, so I shared them. That does not make it open for debate, nor is my refusal to allow it to be put up to debate, up for debate.
Take the hint and go away.
It’s reductive because it’s not meant to convince you. It’s simply what is. You asked me why I thought it is moral and those are my reasons why, and they’re gonna stay that way whether you like it or not. They don’t have to be reasonable or sensible or in line with your worldview. You don’t have to agree with them. They don’t even have to make sense to you. They’re MY reasons, and they are valid simply because I hold them, because I say they are, because I decide what’s ethical to me and what’s not. That’s all.
And you have to put up with that whether you want to or not.
You want us to exalt you knowing that all you did was turn around and become the person you hated? 🤔
It’s not as uncommon as you think it is. There are a whole contingent of mofos who want the voting age lowered to 16, mostly millennials who realized the system was bullshit at a young age. I’m kind of on the fence about it.
I’m sure some creeps would co-opt it for their own evil purposes, though, though I don’t think that’s a reason not to do it.
Yes, your brain develops and changes throughout your life. It’s just anti-child bigotry bullshit from millennials who of all people should know better.
It is to me. Most content is corporate generated consumerist garbage anyway so it doesn’t matter. Our right to access content is more important than a creator’s right to restrict access to it for profit. It’s information and ideas. And we are entitled to all information and ideas. I am entitled to it simply because I say so, and if you want me to stop, you’ll have to kill me.
It’s as simple as that.
All of it. Piracy is in no way unethical.
No it won’t. It’ll just fork the internet.
People like that need to be educated more than any other and liberating them of that responsibility only harms them, it does not help them.
🤔 So what do we do? I am de-googlefying as we speak, but collectively, we really need to organize and build workarounds.
I have a conspiracy theory about Reddit and social media in general:
I think its algorithm not only puts up links but users and their comments in their view that are more likely to piss you off, and they measure this based on observing your post and comment history. I believe they categorize users by political affiliation and moral outlook by this method, and use that info to purposefully expose you to people who will cause you conflict to drive up engagement and therefore ad dollars.
I believe they also use chat bots to argue with people for that purpose.
Okay. I read that post, nowhere did it come off as patronizing at all, and it holds people accountable foe having basic knowledge which is an expectation of most adults in society, so I don’t see how the anti-intellectualist garbage is in any wa valid here.
Lol welp, guess who just switched to Firefox
That’s not really true. The right created Gab, and Ruqqus, and Voat. And they managed to hijack the U.S. legal system which the left can barely understand, let alone influence in any appreciable way.
What top comment chain? They’re all talking about Reddit censoring leftists, not talking about the intelligence of any faction. The most I’ve seen are people making fun of the right, but that’s to be expected.
Still waiting for the ability to block instances as a user.