Thanks for this insight! Thanks to everyone that replied really. I’m good with building, just hate endless tweaking and tuning. Will research Voron.
Thanks for this insight! Thanks to everyone that replied really. I’m good with building, just hate endless tweaking and tuning. Will research Voron.
What did you end up buying? I’m leaning towards Prusa again, was looking at Creality but I’m not wanting to tinker around much with that stuff anymore.
They’re here. Someone else saved the day. If the link breaks just reply to this and I’ll fix it. https://gofile.io/d/IIvo5Y
I can get my hands on the episodes and transcribe to English using whisper, I assume people are interested in that output.
What’s it like for you now?
I only ever see the real start menu on other people’s computers. Openshell is like ublock, without it your face tends to contort and twist like you ate a lemon.
Damn you. Now I gotta check that out. I dropped gimp permanently once I tried Krita.
I’m switching from privatevpn to protonvpn just for the port forwarding with wireguard within a terminal, no stupid GUI app. Quite pleased with the service, they do VPN well.
There’s a Jellyfin plug-in for Kodi and it’s pretty awesome
There’s a 65 GB pack on archive.org
ChromeCacheView is a step in the right direction, but nothing fully automatic. I’m also searching for a less manual solution.
I pay $20cad a month to be uncapped, the pain is real.
I never understood Minecraft until I saw what ppl built in there. Place is (was?) a wonderful display of organized, chaotic and artistic choices and behaviors. Participation is awfully slow but that seems to add to the amazing effects the occur. I always found the anarchistic behaviors interesting, like the void. I helped with rainbow road a bit just to be a part of it, nothing serious though just a couple pixels here and there.
Oh fuck that. If those type of words are spoken in court you better have a lawyer or it’s going to be twisted against you with some sort of proof that you do in fact know how to pirate stuff. Straight to jail.
I had a geeetech i3 pro b so the bar is realllllly low for me haha! The nozzle calibrated itself into the bed so hard I think it bent the goddamn rails.