Wow, I am not dyslectic, but my eyes hurt when I read that font!
Seeking Understanding: Humans are naturally curious beings. We want to know the reasons behind events, behaviors, and circumstances to make sense of the world. Asking “why?” helps us gain insight into the causes and mechanisms behind various phenomena.
Problem Solving: In many situations, asking “why?” is the first step in finding solutions to problems. By understanding the underlying reasons for a problem, individuals can devise appropriate strategies to address it effectively.
Identifying Motivations and Intentions: When people ask “why?” in interpersonal interactions, they are often trying to understand the motivations and intentions of others. This can help with empathy, communication, and building better relationships.
Challenging Assumptions: Questioning why something is done a certain way can help challenge existing assumptions or norms. This critical thinking process can lead to innovation and improvements in various aspects of life.
Gaining Knowledge: Asking “why?” is a fundamental way to acquire knowledge. It encourages exploration, research, and learning. It’s through questioning that people expand their understanding of the world and its complexities.
Encouraging Dialogue: In discussions and debates, asking “why?” invites others to provide reasoning and evidence to support their claims. It fosters constructive dialogue and helps clarify different perspectives.
Stimulating Curiosity: Asking “why?” is a way to keep curiosity alive. It sparks interest in exploring new ideas and leads to continuous learning.
Establishing Cause and Effect: “Why?” questions often seek to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Understanding these relationships is crucial in various fields, including science, history, and psychology.
Enhancing Decision Making: When facing choices or making decisions, questioning why certain options are better than others allows individuals to make informed and rational choices.
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I had the same problem and used lots of extra dedorant, but I was still sweating. Then I found Odorex Extra Dry Spray. You don’t use it like regular deodorant, but instead you spray it on your armpits before you go to bed. You won’t sweat for the next two days! I use it for work, I hate it when my shirt shows wet spots when I am hosting a meeting for example. This is for sale in The Netherlands, but I am sure there are alternate brands that offer similar products.
Hex(0xDEADBEEF) Rip Kevin
Now i am pretty sure that’s not a crossword puzzle on the attached picture. Maybe OP needs to do more crosswords
If the pilot is a cat, I’m sure it would
{Edit} Oops, I guess I am not the only dad here
I am also looking for an invite, so fingers crossed … 🫰🏻
Yes, I use it all the time, it really works well and I am much faster than typing
Now, if only /r/NoSleep would move here, I wouldn’t have to keep visiting Reddit. But I am just too addicted to the stories there
TIL :)