Bíum bíum bambaló, Icelandic song. Lullaby.
Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.
Bíum bíum bambaló, Icelandic song. Lullaby.
F off, cleanshirt!
Great stories. Tiny bit of surviver bias.
“Cake” in “let them eat cake” is “brioche”. I had thought that cake meant cheap chemically leavened bread-ish, but it actually was an out of touch elite being genuinely confused about bread shortages, not someone callously suggesting the peasants eat shittier food.
Also it probably wasn’t Marie Antoinette.
I believe they lacked the metallurgy to make high pressure steam vessels.
I would say no* but the asterisk has a few paragraphs involving funding sustainability, cryptobro involvement, and dubious decentralization.
I use it all the time. If you need a right angle, 3-4-5 gives you one, and that’s Pythag, baybeee.
Im assuming you’ve looped in
Former Port Alberni city council, fediverse advocate
They have good flights but they do make a lot of noise at the waterfront. The smell of avgas is overwhelming, too. Nothing against them, it’s unavoidable, but I’m looking forward to their electric Beaver plane.
Air North is pretty good so far, but no frills and I don’t know if they do long hauls.
Lmgtfy ‘anchoring bias’
Yeah, chicken and egg. Unfortunate twitter has now locked down feeds so you have to be logged in, so also fuck them on that point.
It’s a tradeoff. I am so disgusted by twitter that I chose to give that up and leave.
This is a baffling comment. There are tons of people on mastodon, more than I could ever hope to keep up with. I have a couple hundred accounts on follow and never manage to keep up. Honestly it could use some sorting.
I’d bet transporters would need constant monitoring and maintenance. They screw up often enough. Not sure I’d ever step into one of those deathtraps, even if you ignore the whole inherent murder problem.
I don’t think that is necessarily out of the running yet. OS development is expensive and low profit. Commodification may be inevitable. Control of the shell and GUI, where they can push advertisements and shovelware and telemetry on you, that is profitable.
So in 20 years, 50? I predict proprietary OSes will die out eventually, balance of probability.
They also tend to have linux support. Where the AAA companies want to eat the entire mammoth and scorn the scraps, small companies can thrive off of small prey and the offal. :)
I’m sure he’ll be happy with the Sudetenland!
Beans lots of beans lots of beans lots of beans yeah beans lots of beans lots of beans
I’m okay with it as long as it’s not locked to the exclusive use of one entity.