Dont know what lhone you are speaking of, but on Samsung phones, the only thing that this does is disabling biometrics and notifications. Your phone stays in AFU and this does not protect you from law enforcement or other
Dont know what lhone you are speaking of, but on Samsung phones, the only thing that this does is disabling biometrics and notifications. Your phone stays in AFU and this does not protect you from law enforcement or other
I use syncthing to sync my db and it works really well.
Oh, OK. I just assumed color e-ink was just like bw e-ink but with colors and was similar in other aspects
Why do you say that amoled is bezter for the eyes? Is that also true for b/w e-ink?
Except for the screen
Are you on one ui 6/6.1? Material colors being wrong is a Samsung bug and was fixed in 6.1.1
Cloudflare is protecting a lot of sites from scraping with their POW captchas. They could allow people who pay
Mullvad Browser and stock Firefox on desktop
Cromite on Android
Plastic screen on the outside seems nice when my gorilla glass screen still manages to scratch
I thought you could not downgrade non-debuggable apps?
Have you tried cleaning it? I had the same thing happening until I removed 1mm of dust at the bottom of my charging port
I’m gonna pay 85€ per semester while studying. And that goes to the student organization and not the university.
Im planning on getting a pixel phone next time I switch and will install grapheneos on it. Fuck safetynet compatibility. I’m tired of all the bullshit I have to endure on my Samsung phone.
Is this the same as the advertising id?
I love how you have to specify analog clock
Chrome on its own does not bring revenue. It would then require donations
For android native apps (Java/kotlin) you can learn to mod the easy ones (that are not completely obfuscated) yourself. I do this with apktool_m.
He does look pretty fat on the photo. Did ozempic not work for him?
Konsole is great on kde