If your bank doesn’t offer virtual credit cards (or they’re a pain to use) and you don’t want to sign up with another service, then yeah - PayPal is safer to give than your credit card number.
If your bank doesn’t offer virtual credit cards (or they’re a pain to use) and you don’t want to sign up with another service, then yeah - PayPal is safer to give than your credit card number.
Fastmail is fantastic.
I get 500 Mbps on 5G home Internet on a bad night. I would still take fiber over 5G any day, but it can be much better than you’ve seen.
Every day. Removing them is ridiculous and pointless.
Many do. I use labels on Fastmail and it’s great!
NewsBlur is great.
TMHI has been pretty great for me for a little over a year now. Only one outage because of a big power outage.
Do you know if they have any plan to stop requiring invites? I’ve been interested for many years, but the invite system rubs me the wrong way.