Talk us through it… how have you come to this predicament? What stopped you from eating breakfast? What do you mean stuck? Do you even work there?
Talk us through it… how have you come to this predicament? What stopped you from eating breakfast? What do you mean stuck? Do you even work there?
Just buy him a deodorant and go: here
A bunch of sensible suggestions actually. Dammit.
cracks the downvote finger knuckles
From a non-american’s perspective this question is just baffling.
Is high-school that bad of an experience for you guys? Where I come from that’s one of the best times in your life, when you get to hang out with friends and have little responsibility, etc.
About homelessness, that’s another crazy one. People need to have a home and need friends and human interaction. Sleeping in your car without ever interacting with anyone is not a way of life.
Others have also mentioned that prison without people is solitary confinement and that is known to literally drive people mad.
Yeah, sorry but this one is just counterproductive. Guys just don’t give a fuck. No one is going around “ooh, what if I pretend I can’t do this task so she then has to do it”. That’s just patriarchy and gender roles for you. Maybe try to have a conversation about the subject of chores without sticking the “you’re evil” tag on the other person. Well, for anything in life really. Also mental load is there for anyone, I see no point in bringing it up in this context. The dudes have to deal with a fair share of mental load as well, specially with all the emotional neglect and immaturity.
There’s human fossils where it’s clear they poured molten bronze or something into a mans skull to patch the broken bone. Using metals to mend bones has been a practice since ever basically.
Yes, and it was my first job out of university. Incredible. It has set the standard for me. Everyone extremely polite, restrained, no oversharing, no politics discussions in the office, no drama. People would just gravitate towards those that shared their views and would have coffee breaks at different times than other groups. Everyone was painfully aware of how bad these things can get, so we all made an effort to keep the environment light.
Indeed there are.
Good, I already don’t answer the phone anyway.
Yeah and scaring the shit out of grandpa doesn’t alter the timeline, as you know.
Mate, just make sure you’re not getting into trouble with all that positive thinking, ok? Take care.
Good, write another one of these in a couple of months instead of stalking her and you’re set.
But really, you’re young, that’s how these things go. Don’t overthink it.
The post: A picture of bowing nurses in a hospital with the caption: “Chinese Doctors bow down to an 11-year-old boy with brain cancer who saved several lives by donating his organs.He wanted to give another people a second chance he never got”
The comment: “ok, let me position myself… 3…2…1… bow everyone!”
The point being that these idiots obviously either bowed just for the camera or had to organise to recreate the bowing moment, both of which are absurd.