Tomorrow: 3 Million hacked smart fridges were used to spread misinformation that the 3 million toothbrush story wasn’t true.
Tomorrow: 3 Million hacked smart fridges were used to spread misinformation that the 3 million toothbrush story wasn’t true.
Even in financial terms “sustainably” always pisses me off. None of these companies are trying to sustain, they demand constant growth to be happy. Never ending growth is never sustainable.
Life’s too short to give a fuck. I’m turning 40 soon, and I’m very overweight, but about 4 months ago I started dancing; contemporary, modern, hiphop, and voguing.
It kicks my ass all over the place, but I keep going, every day, and I can feel the improvement in my strength, flexibility, and just everything.
I have my first paying performance this week, and I’ve just been asked to audition for a dance company that’s starting up. They know I can’t do it all, they know my limitations, but I show up everytime with a smile and ready to work, because I don’t care what anyone says, I know I’m fucking awesome and so should you (whoever you are reading this, no seriously you’re awesome, go kill it).
Agree so much on HBO. We just moved to the US and got the “Max” subscription and we’re finding gem after gem, some of it a decade old. Like TV that rivals any great movie, amazing storytelling/directing/music/concepts. Still plenty of filler to sort through, but some genuine art in there.
Bummer. Not because of the extra $3, honestly I’ll probably just pay it. But because until now Prime programming has been able to operate with a certain freedom. I know 0 people with prime for the video (as opposed to the free delivery) so they were willing to take risks with the shows.
Solos and Tales from the Loop are both amazing works of art that would never have shown up on network TV, or Netflix which would much rather make cheap mass appeal shows with little depth. Even more shows with wider appeal (e.g. The Expanse) might not survive the TV Executive mindset now that they have a reason to care about the number of views as a primary metric, over user happiness.
And honestly, it all baffles me, I will gladly subscribe to a streaming service for one great show. Produce 3 or 4 a year and I’m subscribed for good. If I wanted an endless string of medicore baking reality shows, I’d get cable again.
Your mileage may vary, but have you tried over the phone instead of video chat (if it’s an option where you live)? I felt exactly the same about video, but something about over the phone felt chill, I could just “chat with a friend” in my pajamas. Helped me a lot and neither my therapist or I ever actually saw each other.
So calling it your ABCs when you’re younger isn’t that far off. Interesting.
CEO of public company actively makes product worse because of business dealings at a seperate private company owned by said CEO. Not that Tesla shareholders don’t already have enough reason to be pissed, but good lord.
And it’s not a “feud” that would imply Disney is being petty instead of making the fucking obvious business decision to pull advertising spend from the dumpster fire of racism and controversy that is Twitter.
The Online Safety Act has taught the Tories that they can get away with anything if they can spin it as “think of the children”. I expect to see more draconian limiting of speech under this same guise.
ETA: and after reading the article, the argument of protecting kids mental health is BS. If they cared about mental health they’d fund the NHS so that wait times to see a psychiatrist/therapist reflected the urgency. Social media might add fuel to the fire, but depression doesn’t just magically go away if you delete your accounts.
Houston we have no idea what our trajectory is and it’s just playing happy birthday over and over.
Jokes on you, my password is just 8 asterisks… Wait crap.
Brb changing all my passwords.
The blue leds make the whole setup run cooler. And if you want a really fast build, get an aerodynamic case with a racing stripe.
But seriously, hard agree. I want a big, easy to open easy to access, metal box. With handles if it’s possible I’ll be using it for gigs etc.
Is anyone else hearing Aquarela do Brasil or is it just me…
I sometimes lucid dream, something tips me off that it’s not real, and then I can take some control. Mostly I like flying, but sometimes I go full crimefighting superhero.
Realizing you are in a dream world and deciding to work, is like winning a billion dollars and deciding to spend it all on a nice car somehow. What a boring waste.
Rick and Morty already did it.
The Frisbeetarian concept actually comes from a George Carlin joke, but I genuinely thought it was one of the most beautiful afterlife concepts I’d heard so I choose to believe it. That our souls are still here, but also at rest.
You nailed it at the end. Loving a company, especially these days, is exactly how you end up overworked and underpaid. Like a job/company, don’t love it.
It gets worse. Visiting a friend recently, they tried to give me an old Kindle, (which I politely declined). They have a drawer of about 6 old ones because they can’t help buying the latest every sale. They don’t even read that much!!
As a practicing Frisbeetarian, I believe your soul lands on a roof and gets stuck there. You just get to watch as time and people pass by for all of time.
WTF mate?!