I got “Outlook not so good.”
I got “Outlook not so good.”
Right, and the poem is written in such a way that implies they do not.
No, go the other way, it’s closer to Aristotle’s name in the original Greek. Ah-ree-stoh-teh-leese.
So did you think “goose” was pronounced like “choose?” Understandable.
I can see why he’d have trouble with those two, because Spanish doesn’t have the English “z” sound. They’ll both sound the same using Spanish pronunciation .
Usually the reason is either because some jerks intentionally changed certain spellings to look more French/Latin (“receipt” didn’t have a “p” originally, for example), or just because English is such a mongrel language with words taken from various other languages with different spelling and pronunciation rules.
They aren’t universally, just in certain dialects. I pronounce the “th” just like with “clothing.”
“Made” and “bade” supposedly not rhyming confused me, how is “bade” supposed to be pronounced?
They can just wait it out until it becomes the corpo-friendly Dept. of Injustice on Jan. 20th.
Yume Nikki.
Same, does it go by another name or something?
He also played the aptly-named Goldmember.
Even if it did, Musk would just buy it.
I guess they do already have the market cornered on lying.
I live in California, but I’m worried about just how much resistance a state can do against the Feds.
He was this timeline’s Anchor Being. Now we’re doomed.