You don’t know where they live, or what their taxes fund or funded.
Assuming they are American (which is what I’m assuming you’re assuming), the other option is prison.
“listen. I don’t WANT Hitler to commit mass genocide. But I am going to fund the company of the gas chambers he plans to use. Because I benefit from it”.
It’s not a one to one comparison but um. Yeah.
Oh so we are all already in hell. Got it.
Suicide comes in many different flavors. The most common in my limited experience is desperation. If you are so utterly desperate for literally anyone to listen to you, I don’t see how it would hurt. Especially since there’s such a positive stigma surrounding the hotline. I personally know a couple of people that the hotline helped.
I like meat, and if it’s not for morality then what other reason is there?
I was on Lexapro and I have ADHD as well. All it did for me was made me tired for the first week. And then nothing.
I see the disconnect. Most people would use the physics definition of sound, you’re using the physiologic definition. So yes you’re right, however no you’re wrong.
“Next” refers to the occurrence that follows the current. “This” means the occurrence that is present. I’m regards to days, it usually follows a week to week basis, Monday through Saturday.
If its Friday and I say “this Saturday” it’s referring to the Saturday in the current week. Tomorrow. “Next Saturday” would be 8 days later.
Sound isn’t dependent on whether someone hears it, but instead IF someone could hear it. IF a person was around, you would hear it. A sound wave doesn’t come into being just because you happened to be around. It’ll exist regardless if you are capable of hearing it or not.
Thats a bit of a glass heart take. I, personally, don’t think animals should suffer before they’re slaughtered. They should live happy lives up until then. But we’re predators just like any other carnivore.
The only difference is that we have stronger emotions and the ability to consider the consequences of our actions as well as empathy for other beings.
But if you like meat, you’re not being a baby. If anything it’s the opposite. You care less about the animals than the meat it comes from. And I don’t think that’s wrong. That’s just evolution.
We’re such strong predators, that the majority of humans will never even kill their prey. We cage animals and slaughter them to feed our masses. And as long as we do that ethically (which we’re not. I’ll admit that), I don’t think it’s a bad thing, it’s nature.
You wouldn’t deny a lion it’s prey, so why berate fellow humans for the same thing? Instead the focus should be on ethical and sustainable ranching and farming.
I really don’t like that level of responsibility. Probably just put the country under anarchic rule, and head back home.
Discworld work make an incredible series of movies. I think D&D Honor Amongst Theives proves that modern comedy fantasies can work great in a movie format.
My other choice would be House of the Scorpion.
Personally I feel like it happens less often. The Catholic Church really have a reputation. I’ve only ever heard ‘altar boy’ to mean a young boy who’s being groomed and taken advantage of. I have no fucking clue what an altar boy really is.
Whoever it definitely still happens with protestants. Usually with youth pastors (surprise, surprise).
I’ve done them before when I was struggling with anxiety. I stopped once I felt like they didn’t serve a purpose anymore.
Shrooms are more of a tool than a fun drug.
However, they are fun as fuck.
Welp, guess it’s time for me to start doing shrooms again
I just remembered a girl’s name that I used to work with.
I was trying to remember it about 3 months ago. It randomly just came to me today.
The smell of weed has always been abhorrent to me. A true blooded alcoholic reeks like shit too, but most casual drinkers, or even alcoholics that care enough to still have good hygiene, don’t smell nearly as bad to me.
But to each their own and whatnot.
We don’t actually promote higher levels of dopamine as far as I know. Dopamine agonists work by mimicing what dopamine does to your nervous system. It doesn’t actually produce any more. Also you can be given dopamine intravenously. It is mostly used to raise blood pressure in newborns. But you are right. For other uses, its smarter to mimic it, because of how short it lasts.
We do, however, promote a higher concentration of serotonin with SSRIs. We do that by blocking natural inhibitors that destroy serotonin after being used. This way we can use them more before they die off.
Oh fuck, I haven’t heard a retort like that since the 11th grade. I wonder why