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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Just a minor correction, I never meant the entirety of the right wing population isn’t as intelligent. Just the ones who gobble up the slop that certain influencers put out. Its also worth mentioning that a lot of right wing influence also comes from common social media and the news. They have a lot more control, so while they are more diverse than I initially stated, it’s easier to herd these people to a common goal.

    With all that being said, I do agree with WHY we should have more influencers. But atleast for myself, I don’t need people to break down theory for me. I’ve picked up quite a lot passively from various different places, mostly common places for discussion, such as here on Lemmy and with friends that are smarter than me irl.

    Of course, that’s just me, and I should probably be more cognitive of that and use better understandable language in my posts, and recognize that not everyone is the same as I am.

    But good points all around.

  • A big issue with political influencers, is that they profit off of rage. Not only that, but the right needs to be told who to be mad at. They’re kinda dumb, so right winged people’s rage are often misdirected to something that won’t hurt the government.

    The left is on average (not all of them, mind you) more intellectual. They know who to be mad at, and why. They don’t really need an influencer to tell them.

    Moreso, the right wing is so condensed into one mind set, while the left wing, in America atleast, is more just anti right. The left is more diverse and spread out with many conflicting ideologies and motives. It’s hard to be on the same page as a whole. Because of this, when you have someone who is angry and tries to tell you who to be angry at, it usually misfires because of that conflict. Think Hasan. He’s always getting shit because he tries to direct that anger, but so many left wing people don’t directly line up their ideology with his, so they direct their anger at him instead.

  • Cats (2019). The story is good, the music is good, the casting is good. People made it a huge meme cause of the CGI, but even that is pretty well done. It has a beautiful story, and if you’re a pet lover like me, it really makes you emotional. Its also fucking insane. The entire time you watch it, you just go “people spent years of their life and millions to make this”. Its a very surreal experience. I’ve also haven’t met a person who has watched the movie and didn’t like it.

    To be fair, I haven’t met anyone who has watched the movie

  • Some people with autism annunciate words differently. It’s not being pronounced (for the most part) differently, it’s sorta like an accent. Of course this isn’t the case for all autistic folk, considering a big part of the condition is ‘masking’, so mimicking even speech patterns is almost engraved in our brains. But for some who don’t care for masking, or are less adept at it, they tend to have a variety of unique speech patterns.

    For myself, I’m a victim of misplaced rising or sinking tones. I go up or done on words or parts of the sentence that just doesn’t make sense. I also pause where people don’t normally.

    As for actual words, my annunciation is just terrible. I over annunciate some syllables, and slur or combine others.

    Also I say can’t like c + ain’t. Cain’t.