my favourite photo i’ve ever taken :) of my favourite little critter
just me
my favourite photo i’ve ever taken :) of my favourite little critter
honestly depends on what you’d use it for
if games + small work - steamdeck
otherwise idk
in most places it’s legal to buy and have the mycelium itself but it’s illegal to let it grow
so many online shops that very clearly are not for scientists with a lil disclaimer somewhere saying “please do not make drugs out of this, this is purely for looking at through a microscope for all the amateur mycologists :))))”
unless you want to grow them yourself, then they require the most sterile environment
in the wild tho? yeah cow shit will do :)
tl;dr once upon a time everyone spelled words guided only by vibes, then spelling was standardised-ish, then after that there was a great vowel shift where the now standard-ish spelling became less intuitive. add the linguistic influence from French and latin (sprinkle in some germanic & a pinch of skandinavian), add the power balance between classes favouring fancier words (the nobles ate pork, beef, poultry, the peasants tended to pigs, cows, chickens). add some more stuff and there you go! a “functional” language of Anglonic Britonic English!
do they really need changing that often though
i don’t go to bed covered in mud so all my sheets get is a bit of occasional sweat at night, i don’t get why we should change them so often. they don’t even smell!
chances are they’d scam children if they had any money. Scum like that target easy victims
i have difficult & long unique passwords for each of the important things (emails, bank, any official gov or edu sites etc.) that i keep on a piece of paper in my notebook (with a few backup copies). And i also have 3 degrees of difficulty for my other passwords that i use like this: easy “i could not care less if this account got hacked, in fact i know this password has been leaked in plain text before so whatever”, medium “i’d kinda suck if this got hacked but ultimately it’d not cause major issues”, hard “i do not want this to be hacked”
it’s like a special category of words idk, grammar theory is my weakest point
data can be one point of data, and data can be many points of data
yeah don’t worry, i’m not either, everyone learns at some point! :)
data is already a plural word friend! “datas” is confusing to read
this is not about wanting this is about companies taking advantage of vulnerable people who should be grieving. This can cause lasting psychological harm
you might as well be saying, if someone came to a drug maker, and wanted some heroine, and provided ingredients for heroine, and agreed to whatever costs were involved, isn’t that entirely their business?
and yet, the “genius inventors” keep creating Torment Nexuses
wow, so many reasons
now imagine having to pay to talk with a ghost of your loved one, a chatbot that sometimes allows you to forget that the actual person is gone, and makes all the moments where that illusion is broken all the more painful. A chatbot that denies you grief, and traps you in hell where you can talk with the person you lost, but never touch them, never feel them, never see them grow (or you could pay extra for the chatbot to attend new skill classes you could talk about :)).
It would make grieving impossible and take constant advantage of those who “just want to say goodbye”. Grief is already hard as is, a wide spread mimicry of our dead ones would make it a psychological torture
for more information watch a prediction of our future a fun sci-fi show called Black Mirror, specifically the episode titled Be Right Back (entire series is fully episodic you don’t need to watch from the start)
“apple” used to be a generic term for fruit. So it’s actually “fruit of the earth”, the French are poetic like that
there’s a good Vsauce video about this!
yeah you should, your body builds up tolerance to it crazy fast! give it a month’s rest and then it’s perfect!
jokes aside, as probably Watts said - once you get the message, hang up the phone. Psychedelics can be both good fun and very insightful, but if you focus solely on the fun part that’s just escapism - and the drugs will likely and bluntly point it out to you
common-ish experience for LSD but when i went through ego death, and i have fallen through the darkness and dissolved into the infinite plane of colours below it - i profoundly understood and felt how there’s unity to all of creation, how everything and everyone is an expression of the universe itself. With no barrier between Me and Not Me, it was as if i temporarily melted back into the fabric of reality
so yeah, ego death, pretty epic, fair warning though - it does feel like you’ve died, and however much you want to freak out about that fact, you have to let go. Also it won’t happen if you want it, wanting is an ego thing after all
does that mean i’m famous?! MUM I’M FAMOUS
the thing is, the system in which we have to function forces corporations and people to do evil things, even against their intention or will. being good means sooner or later becoming bankrupt as now you’re working against the system and losing profits.
as another person mentioned - if their suppliers artificially raise prices, whether Costco wants it or not, they have to raise them as well. the market just forced them to do something that limited the amount of things an individual can purchase with their paycheque (as we know, salaries haven’t been exactly keeping up with inflation), and pushed more people into poverty as a result
no corporation is good, and very few are still fighting against becoming fully evil. and as you can see, the fights get more ridiculous every year, the bar of being “good” keeps getting lower