We sure this isn’t a real photo?
We sure this isn’t a real photo?
I mean, you could work for a nonprofit and do good?
That and fear of imprisonment
I stopped flying United when they beat the shit out of one of their passengers and dragged him off the plane
Do you have a source? I googled it and this site said that Mythbusters found the opposite - https://www.theplumbingauthority.com/blog/2019/february/mythbusters-plumbing-edition/#:~:text=%234 You should close your toilet lid before flushing&text=Mythbusters did an episode about,your bathroom%2C including your toothbrush.
Wow what timing. Struggling to get a claim approved with Anthem for a service they’ve been approving routinely all year. None of their customer service people can help me and I’ve been on the phone for the past 3 hours. Insurance companies are miserable.
https://openpathcollective.org/ provides a long list of therapists that work on an affordable, sliding scale. If you experience something traumatic, please seek support for your mental health
How does it feel to work in that kind of field? Sounds soul crushing