Just rent a nice French bomb, and blow up Mar-a-Lago
Just rent a nice French bomb, and blow up Mar-a-Lago
Outside of the White House and Capitol (and maybe adjoining buildings) I would not want to do too much damage to the rest of Washington DC, as I think we could find lots of allies there.
Florida, on the other hand…
Where do I put in my request for that bluesky money I’m owed, then?
Check out Gandahar. Anyone who thinks Star Trek has the most messed up time travel plotlines needs to watch this.
I love Bakshi’s LotR and Wizards but I think his best movie is American Pop. Not as WTF as Wizards, but it’s so epic!
The term you’re looking for is “uncanny valley”
People with freckles tend to avoid sunlight, yeah.
The TOS Enterprise, as well as the A, D and E are usually referred to as “The Enterprise”. B and C aren’t on long enough for me to remember if it applied to them as well.
However, the NX-01 was always referred to as “Enterprise”, (without the “The”). It’s like they were making a point of it, too. So I wouldn’t count it with regards to this meme.
So you then have to decide which ones you would count, such as the J, the one in ST:P, whatever came up on Discovery… Or whether you want to consider alternates as distinct.
But they were hacking all the IPs simultaneously!
Like tears… in rain.
Maybe Harry gets to the right time period through a stasis leak.
You assume there’s lots of chemicals, but did you check? The process of canning food doesn’t necessarily require a lot of chemicals: a lot of canned food is cooked in the can, after it’s sealed, which kills most of the microbes that might spoil the food and make you sick. And because it’s sealed, no microbes can get in, either.
Cuts like a knife, don’t it?
I gotta have my naturally sparkling Perri-air
I got COVID twice, and both times I lost my sense of smell. The first time it lasted 3 days, and the second time, the total loss was only for half a day. Both times, one of the first smells I was able to detect was the vinegar in salt&vinegar chips. It’s a strong smell that seemed to “pierce through” the block.
Resistance is futile. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist)
Distilled water is safe to drink, as long as you have a balanced diet that includes all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
The claim that it “leeches” those minerals out of you isn’t supported by any real evidence.
I used to drink distilled water at home for years with no side effects.
Much of the province of Québec is already boycotting them since January, after they closed all their warehouses here to prevent them from unionizing.