Every single emulator has been like this for more than 20 years. Has it gone mainstream yet?
Every single emulator has been like this for more than 20 years. Has it gone mainstream yet?
Because protecting American car makers has worked so well the last time they tried…
It’s even more dire, because where in the developed world can you incarcerate someone for 14k? I would estimate that depending on the kind of treatment these people get, you’re looking at costs of at least 50% GDP/capita, if not more.
US GDP/capita is around 70k USD, average costs per inmate per year are around 40k USD.
Germany GDP/capita is 46k EUR, average cost per inmate are at around 43k EUR.
So essentially we either kill them or house them inhumanely like livestock forever, OR we reintegrate them and use incarceration as a last resort, there is no other way. People who advocate for life in prison for anything but murder have no clue what they’re talking about.
You buy it, you own it
There are electric water heaters that can take the preheated water from the general system and give it the last boost to exactly the temperature you desire. Ideally those would be installed relatively close to wherever you need the water. They are less efficient, but on the plus side, they only heat whenever and exactly how much you need
You have just discovered purchasing power!
And it wouldn’t have cost you a dime to just shut up!
Cutting trees
So you want Discord?
Not in Bavaria, that’s for sure!
Amazing that you survived until you were able to post this crap on the internet