Dunno, I found it pretty easy to set up different rules for different devices.
see also: @smallpatatas@gotosocial.patatas.ca
Dunno, I found it pretty easy to set up different rules for different devices.
Corporations and surveillance?
Lol, and just immediately downvoted. Lemmy needs that essay more than I thought! Too easy to be reactive without accountability on this platform, sadly
How is this not considered spam?
This is literally just an ad for a product. It even has the price in the title for crying out loud!
And to top it off, it’s posted by an account that I’m pretty sure reported me for spam, because I posted a tech-philosophy essay where the site mentioned at the end that the essay was also published in a zine.
Well, thanks for not incorrectly calling the post spam and downvoting it at least lol
Huh? This is a link to an essay, unless I’m entirely missing something
Hey look, I wasn’t the one that wrote this:
“E.g. for people in Turkey, it’s a lot more stable than their own currency. Same logic for probably dozens of other countries…”
Is the “dozens of other countries” statement something you no longer stand behind, or are you done being rude?
So the argument is no longer “Bitcoin provides stability” or whatever, but instead is, “it’s no more unstable than the world’s most unstable national currency”?
Turns out you’re right, BTC price only went down 77% from the 2021 peak, my mistake /s
Thanks. Although to be honest I’m not sure what their edit was - does Lemmy not have a way to view a post’s edit history?? Seems like a problem…
Bitcoin regularly loses 85% of its “value” vs USD
This has happened multiple times
Uh oh guys, we got a salty bag holder 😂
Bitcoin’s “value” in USD terms has dropped ~20% in the last few days, so I’m not sure we can call it ‘stable’
This is like saying “laws aren’t always enforced equally, so we should have no laws whatsoever”. Bitcoin is not a helpful response.
normalizing scams, by laundering their image via standards organizations, pollutes our communications environment. Both an emoji and a petition are symbolic - and our symbols are in fact important.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
True bitcoiners 🤝 no-coiners “Bitcoin should be illegal”
I agree that it can be difficult for people to hear that a place they enjoy has issues with anti-Blackness. It can feel like a personal attack, and most people consider themselves ‘not-racist’.
I think the real thing to strive for is to be ‘anti-racist’, rather than ‘not-racist’. We all ultimately have prejudices - the point is are we able to simultaneously be honest with ourselves, forgive ourselves, and improve.
In many ways, the overall reaction to this piece actually proves many of its points. The overall reaction seems to have been to deny that the problem exists and refuse to investigate further (or, as you point out, to recognize that the Fediverse being discussed extends beyond Lemmy).
Additionally, some of the reactions here are themselves examples of anti-Blackness (e.g. accusations of so-called “reverse racism” and the like, as well as the ‘knee-jerk’ downvotes you describe). Which makes me less inclined to think of Lemmy as any kind of bastion of anti-racism!
Is there a reason you seem to be upset by this piece? This is a forum for discussion about the Fediverse. Seems entirely appropriate to me.
This may be true of your own experience on Lemmy, but on microblogging software such as Mastodon it is most definitely not the case.
Oh wow - did not know that!
Bit of a weird choice, given that routers usually allow limiting connections to specific MAC addresses as a security feature. Everything’s a trade-off, I guess…