If you have a hypervisor in a home lab, which it turns out OP does not, odds are good your already running a DNS filter/ server, DHCP server, AD domain, etc so the whole network is down anyway during hypervisor restarts if you don’t have HA setup.
If you have a hypervisor in a home lab, which it turns out OP does not, odds are good your already running a DNS filter/ server, DHCP server, AD domain, etc so the whole network is down anyway during hypervisor restarts if you don’t have HA setup.
If you have an always on server, you can always run Opnsense as a vm.
I’m amazed it held out for so long. Small stacks and getting people used to useing your tool sounds like a good lon green strategy, and Boradcom doesn’t do those.
Ya, it’s utterly baffling to me that anyone would use a tool that predicts the next word in a sentence to try and learn something. Besides, what’s the endgame when no reporter could make a living because all their words are laundered and fed into a most people are saying bot? At that point new and unknown news, information, and facts will just be filtered out unless a lot of clickbait sites steal them because they the words don’t show up in the average conversation frequently enough.
Amusing, much like the Cryptocurrency and NFT industry where everyone from the CEO of Openai to the majority of the influencers came from, the extent that the system remind useable at all is reliant on the technology being niche. If it ever actually did become the primary method the tech would fundamentally collapse under its own weight.
Urbackup has windows and linux backup agents and I believe is open source, but I don’t know if it has a windows server.
Veeam is pretty good, but not open source and the community version is limited to ten agents.
Perhaps, but definitely something to worry about after net zero. Dams, especially existing ones, tend to cause local damage to a handful of species, while the natural gas they take off the grid damages nearly all of the ecosystems on the planet while killing people even in normal operation.
Why does it matter why they were built? Low carbon energy is low carbon energy, while some countries may have an natural advantage it typically tends to be in places with lower options for solar.
I’d argue that even if you waste everything from hunting deer, in most areas of the US fact their is now one less deer is definite ecological benefit all on its own.
A forest with a large deer population where people don’t landscape and fence every tree is going to become either a near monoculture with the only exceptions being invasive species. This is because deer eat most but not all native saplings before they can grow to the point they can survive a deer attack, and with most forests in the US having far, far higher populations than natural we get far fewer native trees than natural.
Normally anything like modern deer levels would have led to a population explosion of predators to keep them in check, but because most deer predators are far more vulnerable to human presence, activity, and historical control efforts than deer, which thrive in human dominated areas, the result has been significant damage to forests.
As such, anything like hunting that can lower the deer population back towards natural is very enthical as it doing far more to protect the forest than any number of newly planted saplings could ever do. Your mileage may very, all forests arn’t the same, check the ecology of your local forest before hunting to figure out what the forest needs more of and what it need less of, etc…