Old.reddit still works
Old.reddit still works
But they are useful and completely valid ways of dealing with the problem.
It is not the end of the world if I have to click am extra once or twice to change the language. Hell most websites have much harder processes just to reject cookies.
Personally I would rather err on the side of slightly extra work the odd time I’m not on a website not in my native language than have an extra bit of information that can be used to track me.
Again take a look at the Gemini protocol, its a perfectly fine browsing experience without all the cruft.
I just used it as an example since it’s pretty much the lingua franca of the internet and it’s what we are currently using. The same argument applies to any other language.
My main point with that bit was that a lot of content exists on the internet without any translated versions and the world hasn’t ended because of this, look at non English Lemmy instances.
Some widely spoken language I imagine, Chinese, Spanish, English I don’t care. Since .com is intended for commercial use, the language of the companies biggest market makes sense here as well.
You’re also forgetting that the likes of google.ru, google.nl and google.every_other_country_code exist.
Also there are plently of websites the have language selection in the site that overrides that header, look at Wikipedia.
There are plently of sites in non english languages that cater to non English speakers only, not every site has or needs 10 different translations.
At this point we also have translation engines in the browser so for pages in languages you don’t know, that you absolutely need to access, you can use it to understand the page to a decent level and/or be able to navigate to a version in your language if available.
Fuck that shit.
Check out the Gemini protocol if you want to see that a lot of HTTP spec stuff is completely unnecessary
I’m not a fan of either and would advocate everyone not consume large amounts of video content because of how heavy it is from an environmental point of view and move away from corporations from an anticapitalist/freedom point if view.
Let’s not kid ourselves though, as shit as twitch is, it does not come close to having the same grip google has on the internet and our lives.
Peertube is a completely different platform, perhaps you’re mixing it up with YouTube clients like newpipe or invidious?
On what?
There is nothing on there that you couldn’t find an equivalent of in text form(web or paper) or in the millions of hours of TV and film available on and off the web(both legal and not so legal) or on other platforms like twitch/nebula/peertube/lbry.
Sadly not haven’t had a tablet for like 8 years
Check out XDA forums or if you want an easier time, check out the lineage OS devices page. If its on the lineage site there’s a good chance other OS’s are available as well.
Not as bad as you’d think, especially if you buy from a place that tests the devices or know the person selling isn’t hard on their devices.
If you are going for a model thats a couple of years old, I would recommend going an alternative OS and no google apps. The analytics they run run does make a considerable difference to battery life. You could use something like microg if some banking apps don’t like not having google (the ones I use don’t have this issue YMMV)
I’d also recommend simplifying how you use you’re device. Ie, don’t have apps that run in the background like Facebook, try and keep to using those sites in the browser.
Don’t stream stuff over the mobile network(applicable to some tablets), as its a large battery drain. It’s designed to blast a load of data and then go inactive to save battery.
You could start doing some of these things on your current device and see if you get much of a change in battery life.
The best device is the one you already have.
Whatever you can get second hand
Peace is a white mans word.
Injustice will continue to happen under peace, just as it has on and off for 75 years in Palestine.
Liberation is the term used by black civil rights activists in America. Liberation is the tern used by indigenous rights groups the works over. Liberation is the term used by anti-colonial movements. Liberation was the term used by the resistance in ww2.
You trying to paint someone advocating for the oppressed as a Nazi is one of the laziest piece of shit moves when you don’t do the same for those perpetrating a genocide.
Hitler did not liberate Germany, you’re projecting your genocidal views on the rest of us.
an occasion when something or someone is released or made free:
The first fucking example:
the liberation of France from Nazi occupation
And you’re a bootlicking fool who’s argument doesn’t even hold true to what we’ve seen in Israel.
Even after what Israel and western media have made out to be the biggest horror of our time, Israelis are still risking police violence and imprisonment to protest the injustice of Israels actions.
I’d rather preserve my rights because if I lose my rights, I can do jack shit for anyone else.
You might as well have lost them for as much good as you are doing for anyone else.
I support liberation you just support peace so you can sleep at night.
There can not be peace without liberation and violence is a tool to be used when every peaceful method has failed.
Violence got Irish Catholics self determination and equality in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Violence got the civil rights movement in America to where it is now.
Violence keeps neo-nazis underground in a lot of places.
Resistance to oppression is not an end, it’s not even a means to an end. It’s a right enshrined by international law.
No, there was a massive Arab immigration into the area following WW1 and the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
and the fall of the Ottoman Empire
This was a claim you made it turned out to be false.
The claim that there was mass immigration after ww1 I don’t think can be proven because the first modern census was in 1922.
I’d love for you to provide a source for your claim and prove me wrong.
The Ottoman empire ended in 1923, your claim was that there was a huge influx of refugees from this collapse than population of Palestine at the time.
The data doesn’t back you up.
If you want to find data that counters what I’ve posted then knock yourself out.
Germans sympathetic to the Jewish plight would’ve helped their neighbours and friends no matter what Jewish resistance was doing.
Do I have a fetish for violence or do I just believe that oppressed people should be able to fight for their rights like those before us did.
Are you are happy to have your rights and pull the ladder up behind you?
If you don’t allow those who’s rights are being trampled on in the most horrendous ways to fight back you condemn them.
According to both the Peel commission and the 1946 British survey, there was basically none. “Arab illegal immigration is mainly casual, temporary and seasonal,” said Peel, and the 1946 survey states ““… the expansion of the Moslem and Christian populations is due mainly to natural increase…”
The Jewish Historian Roberto Bachi estimates only about 900 Muslims per year immigrated between 1923 to 1946.
Where did the increase come from? According to the British register of Births and Deaths, it came from a natural net increase of 2.7%. (One of the highest recorded birth rates of all of the British controlled lands at 5%, and a high mortality rate of 2.3%.) In fact the estimated number of Muslims in 1947 is simply the number in the 1933 survey plus the net gain.
Peel: https://biblio-archive.unog.ch/Dateien/CouncilMSD/C-495-M-336-1937-VI_EN.pdf
1946 Survey: Population in Palestine and the Increase in Population. British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine: Volume I
Bachi: http://www.cicred.org/Eng/Public…
Vital Statistics figures from The Fertility and Mortality of the Population of Palestine, By: Hinden, Rita. Sociological Review (1908-1952). Jan/Apr40, Vol. 32 Issue 1/2, p29-49.
You seem to get all your information from Israeli propaganda with no verifiable sources.
According to both the Peel commission and the 1946 British survey, there was basically none. “Arab illegal immigration is mainly casual, temporary and seasonal,” said Peel, and the 1946 survey states ““… the expansion of the Moslem and Christian populations is due mainly to natural increase…”
The Jewish Historian Roberto Bachi estimates only about 900 Muslims per year immigrated between 1923 to 1946.
Where did the increase come from? According to the British register of Births and Deaths, it came from a natural net increase of 2.7%. (One of the highest recorded birth rates of all of the British controlled lands at 5%, and a high mortality rate of 2.3%.) In fact the estimated number of Muslims in 1947 is simply the number in the 1933 survey plus the net gain.
Peel: https://biblio-archive.unog.ch/Dateien/CouncilMSD/C-495-M-336-1937-VI_EN.pdf
1946 Survey: Population in Palestine and the Increase in Population. British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine: Volume I
Bachi: http://www.cicred.org/Eng/Public…
Vital Statistics figures from The Fertility and Mortality of the Population of Palestine, By: Hinden, Rita. Sociological Review (1908-1952). Jan/Apr40, Vol. 32 Issue 1/2, p29-49.
You seem to get all your information from Israeli propaganda with no verifiable sources.
Fracturing the space is way more destructive than whatever you mean by destructive moderating, since the moderating will only affect some communities and even within that, some users while defederating will split the user base.