I use Authy under a separate work profile on graphene with no issues 🤔
Like I told you, what I said…
I use Authy under a separate work profile on graphene with no issues 🤔
Join the dark side 🐧
Been hearing about this for the past 10 years
While I hate Reddit isn’t the fediverse basically horrible for privacy? It’s super easy to see everyone’s posts and IP addresses no? I thought anyone could basically download everything with very little effort and do whatever they want with it.
Only a radical speaks in absolutes
Your first time seeing a journalist rehash a press release? Happens all the time for new products in all industries.
Yeah the Menards owner is a huge republican asshole. Lowe’s is def the best as far as their politics.
Apple is finally appealing to my interests
Nissan leaf
I think it’s like plex for games or a self-hosted steam. If you have drm free games you can host them on a central server then download and install them to other computers you have. Could be nice for data hoarders and big self holsters.
What’s CFS?
Besides the 13 messaging platforms I’d say most of them haven’t.
Didn’t know what this was so looked up the video
They really mean sedans while a Tahoe is an suv. I think most people would say sedans and suvs are both cars.
This exactly. No one would want to pay for in Their vehicles because it doesn’t affect them and would cost extra. Need regulations for this to be implemented.
Also is this even a big safety risk? I understand it’s annoying but does it actually cause accidents?
Found the crab 🦀
Ok bot
Oh ok. Yeah it was a while ago. Will have to switch to something else soon then.