Thanks for taking the time to do that for us
Thanks for taking the time to do that for us
Sounds like with that one specific incident it was that chick being shitty at her job. I’m a female and have had female mental health providers treat me like garbage too. It’s not a woman vs man thing. Some people are just shit humans regardless of their sex.
I haven’t had a FB account in years, but a friend has been on it for nearly 2 decades. They said there’s no longer any posts from people on their Friends lists, it’s become nearly all ads/spam as they scroll.
I like his hat
Apparently he used to own back in 1999 before it merged with PayPal (or something like that).
From Wikipedia: On July 5, 2017, Musk repurchased the domain name from PayPal. He explained later that he bought the website because “it has great sentimental value”.
Probably bought twitter just to have an excuse to use the domain again for something. That guy has too much money.
This is what the internet used to be like. You’d have a very simple webpage/website set up dedicated to a hobby or something personal that might interest you and put it out there for people to come across and read. I really miss this era of the internet.
You maybe should have tried harder to resist.
Don’t leaf blowers also have a sound decibel level that can cause hearing loss? Another good reason not to use it for that purpose