Cool, Sounds like it’s worth a shot
Cool, Sounds like it’s worth a shot
What’s the reading age for this series? I know it doesn’t always matter, but some novels it breaks my immersion when I become aware that the reading age is more teenage than adult
Its also cyber crime which is possibly why the FBI need to be involved
I don’t disagree with this
No one said veganism is a religion, but it IS a political standpoint and philosophical and moral practice.
Just read the first two paragraphs of wikipedia, it makes it clear.
Following a plant based diet is one thing, being a Vegan is different.
Can’t believe he doesn’t have a goatee
Most analogies are, its better to stick to facts
You know that’s exactly what people say about Mastadon and in some cases Lemmy right?
Well you haven’t convinced me
Hmm, I’m not expressing my opinion, these are the statements from the creators of the tools themselves
Krita is a professional FREE and open source painting program. It is made by artists that want to see affordable art tools for everyone.
It IS a painting program, the reason why you can do a lot of the same things that you can in GIMP is because all of those features are useful in both to both painters and editors
GIMP is a multi-tool it can do illustration but it’s focus is more general purpose and more on being an GNU Image Manipulation Program
Again, these are not my opinions, these are objectionable facts taken from the source.
If you disagree with these you are fine to do so, but telling people they are wrong is just ridiculous and looks wilfully ignorant or argumentative
Because the experience is designed around different use cases.
In Krita primary use cases are for painting and drawing so those tools and features are front and centre, easier to reach and remember.
In Gimp the focus is on editing, filtering, effects
If only
So what would you suggest then?
No need to be buying games on Epic
Power consumption wise wouldn’t a laptop be expensive to run as a server compared to other options?
I agree with your second paragraph, but you do know there are plenty of good alternatives to Github right?