Quick addition: ‘Pups’ means ‘fart’ in German. A word used by and around children. Or if you have enjoyed an education.
Quick addition: ‘Pups’ means ‘fart’ in German. A word used by and around children. Or if you have enjoyed an education.
Ah, a fellow Alec connoisseur!
The Last of the Mohicans Once heard, you cannot escape its beauty.
Call me naive, but I think, that’s what neighbors should do. Viva la humanity!
Physical media cannot be altered afterwards. That’s a thing Disney likes to do, for example.
Plus maximum video and audio quality. Some people don’t watch movies on phones or laptops, you know.
‘Rambo’ Laugh, if you want, but that flick made me realize how awfully governments treat Veterans. Non-Military guy here. Saw it in the nineties, must have been 11 or 12 or something like that.
Then ‘Philadelphia’ was pretty intense and made me realize reality holds more truths, than the narrow minded household I grew up in.
‘Milk’ was pretty eye opening, too.
‘The ones I called, the ghosts - I can’t get rid of them!’
Instead I am the Jordan Michael in mine.
Consumer GPU shortage from hell incoming. Why would Nvidia waste their production on low end GPUs, if they can sell AI GPUs for what… 70K USD a piece? This might become worse than the shortages because of mining.
The UI seemed really good, I was really tempted. But I was ultimately thrown off by App support in general. Wasn’t there a thing, that Apps often weren’t equal to their Android and iOS counterparts?
Nobody’s business that I’ve got nothing to hide.