That’s what they do in a few countries. It works, lol.
Shitposter while I tend to two babies. Maybe when I have my life back, I’ll help us get a few more niche communities back?
That’s what they do in a few countries. It works, lol.
You say that but I added after effects to the money shot. (It’s confetti).
You know, is said he worked UI at Firaxia from '15 to '17, which first made me think he worked on Civ VI, but then more likely Xcom Chimera Squad?
You don’t get that job without having some interest in games. I hope it turns out he actually played Assassin’s Creed and is intentionally pulling an Ezio look, smile and all.
Just trying to think of examples. Employee labor isn’t much when you outsource everything.
On the state level, there are protections (for now) since a ton of stuff has to be done to the constitution to remove such powers and they don’t have the majority needed for that. Sure there are loopholes, but for every fed willing to turn a blind eye, there’s a state rep willing to disregard their made up policy. CA already has a lawsuit fund, lol.
The federal level gets dicier. Despite the kiss asses on the GOP side, I don’t think they’ll have the courage to do deeply unpopular things for their region. For instance, removing the Dept of Education isn’t popular in places that get a lot of that Title I money. That ain’t a safe guard the Dems put in place, per se, but they made it in 79 under Carter and even Reagan couldn’t get the support to undo it in 80.
Any current safe guards? Biden is unfortunately very bad at these things as far as I can tell and what good he did will likely be credited to Trump despite the truth. Best we’ve got I think is just trying to sure up as much Ukraine support as possible. The house Dems might have the best shot, though, given the narrow lead. With Senate, it’s probably a good thing Manchin wouldn’t let Dems abolish the filibuster… although the GOP might go ahead and do that themselves this time. Senators don’t really have to answer to their constituents because of incumbent advantage, so there isn’t at much deal making like in the house.
This isn’t a useful metric as it’s obviously bad for retail and service industries, and good for tech simply because of their business models. The median wages are really high when you outsource most of your labor and your actual “employees” are a handful of high level engineers. Spectrum for insurance is scummy but you can’t just hire people in China to do service calls or upkeep infrastructure, ya know?
Also it doesn’t include ownership. 1:1 with AirBnb is misleading for instance as it’s probably mostly their execs on the team and their compensation is in stake at the company. Their business model also counts everyone as contractors, so there’s that too.
Yes but note the median pay is 300k. Most of the high ratios are retail and most of the low ratios are tech because of labor pay, not CEO. That said, Alphabet must be specific to an exec branch because there’s no way the median is 300k counting all the outsourced labor they likely rely on (like to make Pixel phones).
Sounds like you could also ruin that recording with a loud fart. Or laugh, or cough. But I’d go for a fart - would be a fantastic way to ruin a scene.
You can use touch controls usually, especially with RPGs. GB games like Final Fantasy Legend (aka SaGa) got my though similar boredom.
My dad gave me a Hustler magazine at 13 and called it a day. Thank my state government for having sex ed in schools, that shit was wild (but also I had porn on the Internet since 10 so not that wild).
Edit: to be fair, Hustler magazine has plenty about obedience and authority.
W I L L - Y O U - M A R R Y - M E
NPR was literally talking about this earlier in the morning, specifically within academia. I forget the speaker, but they cited that after Brexit, neighboring countries saw a rise in quality researchers who opted not to stay or study in the UK.
Honestly, even 2016 gives us some insight though and if I recall correctly, it never really caused significant brain drain. A little hard to measure people who never were here to begin with, but even my wife mentioned her reason for staying after the election and it’s because there’s still money to be made here.
I think you already know the answer, which is to ghost 'em. Not just because of their terrible political views, but because they (including your aunt) just seem like terrible people. It can be a breath of fresh air to just never worry about them again!
What’s the downside? If you’re financially independent and they don’t serve any use or purpose in your life, it’s just a net negative being in contact.
Or potentially we get another Kennedy in office, this time with extra brain worms.
Come January, that list is gonna be full of really, really weird choices for President.
What a terrible day to have eyes… lol
Yeah, it occurred to me after I thought about his voice and that fake Scottish accent of his. Pre-Shrek Shrek.
If it was me, I’d milk that rich fuck as much as I could. I’ve no dignity, and I like trips.
Seriously though, you’re not me and if it makes you uncomfortable, you’ll have to decide if it’s worth it. The kid will get over it, though. Just hope that they don’t resent the weeks they have with you-- I got that way with my parents and petty kid I was, it was just a matter of my dad having a computer w/ Internet and my mom not. For that reason, it might be important to listen to your kid and their values.
I think now they give you those paper plates? Not ideal, but I see them a lot, flapping in the winds.