• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Thank you everybody for leading me on the right path.

    As I had already installed Klipper, I decided to try the pressure advance calibration as suggested and it did take some tuning, but has improved quality immensely.

    In the end, here are the settings I changed: Klipper printer.cfg pressure_advance: 0.120

    PrusaSlicer:PrinterSettings:Extruder 1:Retraction Length: 0

    I still think I can tweak my z-offset and temperature and maybe further refine pressure_advance, but the results are quite a bit better than before.

    I used the Klipper guide for pressure advance: https://www.klipper3d.org/Pressure_Advance.html

    Original print on the left, print with the above changes on the right.

    Having said that, I think I might have been able to improve the results using a marlin firmware and working with my retraction setup – I use a non-default direct-drive extruder so the default settings of about 6mm are certainly incorrect.

    Also, into the future, i’ll check out the wear/maintenance on the nozzle – it is a good point and I havent changed it in quite a few prints.

    Thank you everybody!

  • No, overlap settings are default. Taller objects or objects with infill come out okay - workable but still show small signs of the issue. I’ve found the 5+ layer object with no infill showes the issue the most so I’ve been using that to tune.

    You are absolutely correct that first layer tends not now show issues like zOffset to close to bed or over extrusion. The prints I’ve been using are 5+ solid layers to have any offset alignment or extrusion alignment issues increase with each added layer.

  • Thanks. My main speed issue, I think, is the size of the bed. My base unit was an ender 3 max with a 300x300 bed. On a fast print that bed swings with enough energy to actual move the printer.

    I say likely is that I haven’t attempted to solve the issue yet – I don’t need the speed, I simply enjoy tinkering and this is one are I havent.

    Having said that, from the original post, while I want to build one from scratch, I’ll probably continue tinkering on my custom printer as well.

    I’ve played with up to a 1.0mm nozzle – haven’t had results yet.