When they send over these time travelers, they’re not sending their best…
When they send over these time travelers, they’re not sending their best…
Lol why is Aqua Net hairspray specifically the thing that takes them down? Like other brands of hairspray don’t work? Spray paint or Elmer’s glue or maple syrup aren’t effective? You can’t just throw a bedsheet over them or hit them with a crowbar?
Their comment agitates both the “nuclear bad” crowd and the “nuclear good” crowd :(
Playing Diplomacy I’m pretty sure violates the Geneva convention.
Mine is not a Tesla, and its range is exaggerated… Or at least its range has a hidden asterisk that would read “under ideal conditions with a gentle driving style.” It self-adjusts based on my recent driving history, and I mostly don’t let the battery get low enough that I have to care about how precise it is… But it definitely skews heavily optimistic, especially when I first bought the car. It’s roughly the same in that regard as a Tesla is, according to the Tesla drivers I know.
Whoa really? How did you figure it out? I’d love to do that with my car, even if it’s a pain.
Damn great username btw 👌
It’s just less visible/explicit. It’s still bad press when it gets noticed and called out like in this thread, it’s just sneakier.
Security implications?
People working with these technologies have known this for quite awhile. It’s nice of Apple’s researchers to formalize it, but nobody is really surprised-- Least of all the companies funnelling traincars of money into the LLM furnace.
I think you mean “Sacrilege” or maybe “Sacrilegious.” That means “The violation of something sacred.”
Sacrosanct means “sacred and beyond question,” which is related, but kind of the opposite of what you mean.
What if I’m already pretty good at Python and C? :)
How do you learn? I have some ESP32s that I’ve messed around a little bit with, and done some neat stuff…But I don’t have an electronics background at all and I often have trouble even figuring out how to power the damn things safely.
I feel like you just shout things into the void and people give you points for agreeing with you.
Lol at first I thought this was a direct criticism of the person you were replying to.
Well, have a nap
That’s super interesting. How do you get started at something like that? Or where would a newcomer start to learn more about it?
Let me know if you find out lol
Okay that’s one. But there gotta be like… what, 3 more tops?
Can we go on land yet?
OONI monitors internet censorship and other forms of network interference, especially by state actors, worldwide. It’s an important contributor to digital rights and freedoms IMO, and you can run their client in the background to contribute non-personal data on pretty much any device.