Winnin piracy just like they winnin the war on drugs
Sooner or later they’d get me for one thing if not for another…
[But if] a fellow ain’t got a soul of his own, just little piece of a big soul, the one big soul that belongs to everybody, then…Then it don’t matter. I’ll be all around in the dark – I’ll be everywhere.
Winnin piracy just like they winnin the war on drugs
Uh oh didn’t you read whyesseffs rant yesterday you rascal? She coming for ya
I couldn’t find what you meant. Can you expand a bit?
Are they playing vampire the masquerade or sims3?
I want this greentext to be true. It is true. I can believe this is true.
IANAL but i am wondering if Disney is somehow letting this case go as a backdoor way to legitimize arbitration agreements.
Like, i just can’t see Disney not knowing this is the wrong case to push the legitimacy of an arbitration agreement. But if this case somehow legitimized through whachacallit… precedent… that an arbitration agreement, while binding in a primary sense, is not binding for every Disney product, wouldn’t Disney (and really every company that uses binding arbitration as part of using their product) consider that a win?
Because as i understand it, arbitration agreements as a requirement to use a service is still an untested legal grey area. Anything legitimizing them at all would be a win… Right? Againn ianal
On the other hand if there’s gonna be a challenge to the legality of arbitration agreements this is a strong place to start from.
Yeah it’s a just a lesson see?
Showing us how just how deadly
those sins can be so we must…
What he says not what he does
sung to the tune of ‘hark! the herald angels sing’
Damn, i had no idea she was this off her rocker.
I dig their cracks but i don’t follow the drama. Care to offer a primer on the soap opera?
Probably try reading the missive before commenting cuz your take is catastrophically wrong and bad