The fact you can get a full jaw workout in only a few minutes, it’s a miracle it isn’t illegal!
I am totally going to buy that bazooka joe gum soda if I ever see it.
The fact you can get a full jaw workout in only a few minutes, it’s a miracle it isn’t illegal!
I am totally going to buy that bazooka joe gum soda if I ever see it.
because it has to be picked by hand, and sadly involves a lot of child labor
Fear is the mind killer…
whoever downvoted me should look up the 7th Generation principle
From what I have experienced the obnoxious RGB lighting is just a settings option. They usually come with a few different types of settings. On my system, I just turn it so it blinks white after I push the button. Makes it nice to glance down and see if I hit the right key sometimes. Otherwise I never use the flashy colors or stuff except to show off to someone who hasnt seen it.
I am one generation removed from a traditional Lakota life and I think that one thing people forget is how important oral history was to people in the ancient world. You would hear a story when you were young and it was paramount to learn it and repeat it exactly as before. And as time went on, if you deviated or embellished the story, you were shunned because everyone knew the story. Imagine your favorite grandparent telling you something and telling you that you must repeat it exactly to your grandchildren when that time comes. You would not disrespect your favorite relative and spoil your place in passing on the story. So millennia does not matter as much when you think about that. Without outside influence, language changes only slightly and stories that are considered the “truth” about life, are super important and passed on as such.
It was at the time Obama was doing a bunch of tribe recognizing and appeasement. It was a good sentiment and was received in a clouded light that the Republicans used to attack Obama. But the thing is that it was well received coming from Obama but it wasn’t well received coming from the President of the United States. Lots of people couldn’t understand that difference.
I decided to address my lifelong PTSD and started taking antianxiety meds. It’s been a huge change and has really opened my eyes to how much trauma I have experienced. Hopefully the second half of my life can be more fulfilling.
His wiki page has a good summary of his story
I went there in the 90s
Walking around after dark was a little sketchy.
My buddy and I almost got mugged but thankfully the guy thought we were Marines and we told him our other buddies were right behind us.
Otherwise it was a fun adventure.
The bars would give you free drinks left and right when you payed in US cash.
Same 👊
One time I was trying to find a parking spot in Ballard, a neighborhood in Seattle. It was Friday and only one spot was available. Just enough to barely fit and traffic was in full force. I thought it was close but I was confident. When we got out, a group at the bar gave me a round of applause letting me know that multiple people had tried and failed to park there and it had become a fun joke for everyone until I swooped in like a pro and didn’t even make it look difficult.
Haha parallel parking is just a natural skill for some of us!
You are missing out. I’m not really a Tool fan, they are fantastic live. Seen them 4 times, each show was amazingly different. They are very talented musicians.
But you are absolutely missing out by not giving Lateralus at least a once over. It’s a musical masterpiece. IMO it’s their magnum opus and one of the great musical creations of our generation.
Chaos+ entropy+ lots of space and time. Everything is in motion of some kind. Nothing will ever be like it once was. Enjoy yourself when you can. Love your self and respect life. Be kind to those that have less than you. Look at creation and wonder.
That site is crappy. I never look at all and rarely look at popular. I glance at my own feed but rarely get to a second page.
It’s gross if you look at all or popular and narrow it down to an hour and look at the bots going hog wild
This was probably 1994/95
I was in the Navy and one of my shipmates got so drunk he passed out on a bench in front of the fountain at the Kings Cross intersection in Sydney. So a prostitute told him he was going to get arrested and when he spoke she realized he was American and somehow one thing leading to the other…
She gave him a bj at 7am during the beginning of rush hour traffic. She later took us to a couple private bars that were creepy and she stole his Levi’s later after they had sex and she left
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four star, daydream
Think I’d buy me a football team
I am being clear with you, you can’t understand because you don’t like what I am saying. It’s not cryptic. It’s obvious.
Let me just start by pointing out that you came into a thread asking about your favorite album at this moment and you stated how you don’t like albums. You started with a negative response. I gave you a chance to be a part of the conversation but you went even more negative.
You like songs. You listen to them one after another. But your missing the point of what an album is to the people who make albums.
You like the pretty songs but you don’t know what it means.
The lyrics I quoted are from Kurt Cobain who famously hated poser music fans. He wanted his music listener to listen to his album but the music industry turned him into a pop star by releasing his songs as singles. He hated how people only knew Smells Like Teen Spirit or his other radio hits but didn’t know his other stuff and only ever wanted to hear one song.
dude… Billy Gould is one of the all time greatest! King for a Day is one of my all time favorites and his magnum opus IMO.