If I use it daily, app. Else, website. I dont understand why every website that noone looks at more than twice a year needs an app.
If I use it daily, app. Else, website. I dont understand why every website that noone looks at more than twice a year needs an app.
You know the definition of charisma is likability. You say you dont want charisma but want to be liked. Those are literally opposites. Its not a curse, its what you are choosing for yourself. No person is born the way they are throughout their lives. We all change on a daily basis. We make small changes in our behaviour to fit in with others, to be liked and cared for. Thats how humans survived until now. You cant expect a person to like you if you refuse the idea of being likable.
You dont have to be whatever you imagine the ‘friend of everyone guy’ to be like (Im saying it like this because that is not an objective description of a person). You can be any other version of kind likable people.
Ok so let me summarize.
You dont like your current life
You dont want to change because you dont want to be someone else than who you currently are.
You think your problems ‘are happening to you’ and you have no influence on that
You hate the rest of the world for not being the way you want it to be
I think you need to accept that the world will not change for you, but you can adapt to the world. Changing your mindset is not the same as deleting your whole personality. If you think being a complaining little b* is the core of your personality and you dont want to change that then I guess noone can help you.
But I dont think thats the case and you probably know that many people in this thread are right. You are mentally ill and need help. Noone is judging you for that. Just get some professional help ffs. Theres no shame in it, most people nowadays have some form of mental instability or trauma. Not wanting to do anything about it is whats being judged, but thats not part of who you are, its what your subconscious planted inside your ego to shield it from trauma.
I agree, but I also think that it can still work. Most relationships dont depend on people being compatible from the start but develop from them being together.
If it works, it works. Not sure what level of math and physics we are talking about here, but university mathematics usually doesnt have “problems” in the common sense. Sure, there are going to be questions on the exam which you can solve using the theory or by remembering similar questions. But, upcoming topics are going to heavily rely on the theory, not on the applied methods for problem-solving. So you might start having problems there. But again, if your system still works for that, who cares.
Also, if you are aiming to become a Doctor / Professor / stay at university, youre going to need to remember the theory. Pretty sure there wont be a way around it.
This isnt reddit, people cant take jokes here /s
Your example is wrong even in our universe lol. In the trivial ring (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_ring ), 0=1 is true.
What you are probably imagining when talking about 0 and 1 are their representatives in the “integer ring” or maybe the ring of real numbers. Both are simply definitions made by humans and in no way universal truths.
English is probably not your first language, but still, this should be pretty clear to anyone with a basic understanding of it. Reread the sentences
There is dark without light. Sound without silence. Nothing without something.
These are all true sentences.
You didnt even try, did you?
Its a similar situation. You ‘cant do anything about anything’ and handing out band-aids is ‘better than nothing’. Would ‘giving someone a band-aid is a good thing’ be your stance in that situation or would you find it rather inappropriate?
Perhaps you shouldnt have said ‘without trying it’, you dont need to try TikTok to know the downsides. But theres a difference between ‘I hate TikTok because others hate it’ and ‘Ive read some studies about social media addiction and reject TikTok’
That said, Im not particularly against TikTok, but it definitely needs more regulation like any other legal drug.
Funny theyre still calling it democracy
I wish more people could differentiate between having an opinion and trying to force everyone else to live according to that opinion.
Technically youre right, but would you say the same if Putin started handing out band-aids to ukrainians who just lost their families?
Probably the latter, its a good shitpost though^^
I have absolutely 0 star trek content in my feed.
Yeah that sounds better^^ But Im afraid it wouldnt be that effective then, if e.g. a majority of a country believes that women shouldnt go to school, most probably wouldnt even if given the chance, because of pressure from friends and family.
If ur seriously suggesting murder as a solution for any problem then ur no better than the Nazi. This is sick.
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