Aspartame has about the same amount of calories as sugar (4kcal per gram). But it’s much more sweet so you need very little of it. So there is a very tiny amount of sweetener which does contain calories but it’s rounded down to 0.
Aspartame has about the same amount of calories as sugar (4kcal per gram). But it’s much more sweet so you need very little of it. So there is a very tiny amount of sweetener which does contain calories but it’s rounded down to 0.
Any Paradox game. Oxygen Not Included. Factorio. Civilization. Rimworld. Dwarf Fortress. The list goes on.
For me I think it’s about having non-stop and parallel mini problems/puzzles/goals. By the time one task is finished. There’s two more to take its place.
That doesn’t make sense depending on the context. New I2C standard switched to controller/target for example. This conveys that one device is controlling the other devices.
As someone who owns an LG C1, not a single DP in sight.
“Sure, you can do everything it does with a phone”
No, you can’t do everything with a phone. A phone doesn’t have the same radios, GPIO for expandability, IR transceiver, etc. Not to mention the radios a phone does have doesn’t like it when you start forcing it to do fun things.
Sort of, they also use the local price. So tarrifs play a role.
Yea, depending on the city, it’s definitely about wealth. I think that was their intention by listing the median household income.
How much trouble does winter weather cause for folks in Detroit who do not have cars? How close to downtown Detroit do you need to be to still have an acceptable amount of freedom of movement without needing a car?
From personal experience living in Denver (we get roughly the same snowfall as Detroit). I found driving in the snow much more annoying then walking/taking the bus.
I’m guessing Detroit’s lack of car ownership is partly due to income.
There’s a concept called street canyons that deals with the region’s prevailing winds and sunlight. Might end up with your very own Manhattenhenge.
People have been jailed for bumper stickers.
For future reference, you can update LG TVs via USB so you can avoid connecting it to a network.