Where are biohackers being booed the most?
No gods, no masters.
Where are biohackers being booed the most?
There is no floor except the for the artificial one built out of privilege.
Oh, and just for fun, breathing is still hard. And all medical testing shows my lungs are just fine and there should be problem.
autonomic issue?
The site looks artificially sloppy and a clone of https://bioengineer.org/female-penis-evolution/
The paper is over a decade old.
Past research suggests lonely people fear negative judgment, but a recent study proposes that loneliness is also associated with fear of positive evaluation.
I’m vegan btw.
Are the biohacker clowns around here too?
The compromise would be to create a signature biome and allow it to contaminate. And if they find some rock which doesn’t have that signature biome, then it’s probably extraterrestrial.
This is what you get when you let “business science” people publish.
Sperm concussion?
Wait till you hear about grazing.
Different study:
Early-life microbiota seeding and subsequent development is crucial to future health. Cesarean-section (CS) birth, as opposed to vaginal delivery, affects early mother-to-infant transmission of microbes. Here, we assess mother-to-infant microbiota seeding and early-life microbiota development across six maternal and four infant niches over the first 30 days of life in 120 mother-infant pairs. Across all infants, we estimate that on average 58.5% of the infant microbiota composition can be attributed to any of the maternal source communities. All maternal source communities seed multiple infant niches. We identify shared and niche-specific host/environmental factors shaping the infant microbiota. In CS-born infants, we report reduced seeding of infant fecal microbiota by maternal fecal microbes, whereas colonization with breastmilk microbiota is increased when compared with vaginally born infants. Therefore, our data suggest auxiliary routes of mother-to-infant microbial seeding, which may compensate for one another, ensuring that essential microbes/microbial functions are transferred irrespective of disrupted transmission routes. https://www.cell.com/cell-host-microbe/fulltext/S1931-3128(23)00043-4
I was already thinking of the tree paper mafia and their conflict with hemp.
This better not lead to some Eugenics AI.
I wonder how much of that was the show’s writers.
It’s obsessed with fantasies as an escape from the dystopia it creates in reality. A better world is actually possible.
“Alternative facts”
It’s how religions work. The positive bullshitting is not much different than a sermon full of made up anecdotes - stories with the purpose of “evoking a deeper truth”.
This is literally the “WOLOLO!” meme in action…
Because I personally don’t want to eat 80 grapes. Besides the sugar content of 80 grapes is not healthy.
That’s just wrong, sorry. Demonizing fruits is one of the most dangerous “health trends” on the face of the planet. Right up there with antivaxxers.
And, again you can eat leaves which don’t have sugar and have lots of other great nutrients and fiber, while having less water volume.
No one is forcing you to drink it.
You just haven’t encountered that kind of peer pressure yet.
There’s nothing wrong with polarization. Some things are clear cut enough to remain clear cut.
Let me put it differently, how much poop do you want in your drinking water?
They form unions?