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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • “According to Air Canada, Moffatt never should have trusted the chatbot and the airline should not be liable for the chatbot’s misleading information because Air Canada essentially argued that “the chatbot is a separate legal entity that is responsible for its own actions,” a court order said.”

    Can you imagine the hellscape we’d be living in if precedent went the other way? Companies could just run every unsavory decision through some machine learning system and then wash their hands of it afterwards.

    “Oh you were illegally fired? Sorry, that decision came from the Overmind, not from us.”

  • I’d argue that debates aren’t useful without a neutral, mutually trusted media source that listeners from both sides would refer to for fact-checking. The US has debates but the soundbites that partisan media air are the main way people consume them. Few people watch the whole debate, and few want to because they’re mostly just hot air.

    Plus, one candidate can use the debate to lie out of their ass and at least one media source will follow that up by spitting out misleading info to support the lies.

    I don’t mean to both-sides this, obviously right wing media is more egregious on this front. But their captured audience tuning out fact-checks from other media is maybe the bigger problem.

    All of this happening on the sidelines fundamentally alters the purpose of a debate. For example, changing the tone and style of interaction; people aren’t trying to come to an agreement or win over new supporters, just shout over someone to get in soundbites that can be replayed by their team.

  • “Also, you hear stories about groomers.” Here’s the thing: grooming is a real thing, and it has nothing to do with being trans or letting kids know that trans people exist.

    The sad part about all of this groomer talk from the right is: now this language is politically coded and no longer useful for discussing real grooming like high school teachers doing sketchy stuff with their students.

    Not that anyone using this language cares about the well-being of actual children, but if they did you’d think they might consider something like this.