It’s a bit OT, but I was wondering how the realization process worked for you guys? I don’t have the feeling my kids feel uncomfortable with their assigned gender. But what would be the signs in your opinion where a parent should pay attention?
It’s a bit OT, but I was wondering how the realization process worked for you guys? I don’t have the feeling my kids feel uncomfortable with their assigned gender. But what would be the signs in your opinion where a parent should pay attention?
Yeah so there should be way more reserved spots for cars like yours plus you probably wouldn’t park on a side walk, cause you know how frustrating that is. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I’m 47 and never had a television. Computers, projector, tablets yes but never watched linear TV at my place.
Because that was ours purpose in the first place.
I would say musk got out of it what he could. Even if it went bankrupt I think he still got his money worth as mad as this sounds.
Also fucking expensive
Up until 1997 rape within a marriage wasn’t defined as a crime in Germany. Because it was specifically defined as an act outside of marriage. Our (probably) next chancellor Friedrich Merz voted against the bill that finally made it a crime!
If I remember correctly in Corona times it was something like 10-15 minutes. Other then that mostly not at all. Country Germany
For me throwing a graph in and telling it to create a table from it and stuff like that is really super helpful, since I often have to do this, and by hand it’s a very tedious job. Sorting and cleaning tables and translating stuff is super handy and I use it quite often. But other then that I don’t care.
Yeah I think it’s really counterproductive, same thing with the climate crisis, we don’t need to save the planet but our own asses!
Yeah they are continuously slowing down Firefox and I see a future where I will simply stop using YouTube.i thank them in advance for when that day comes
20 years for me. Currently my idea is to open up a kiosk. Because I assume money won’t be enough…
Imagine you couldn’t try new things how stale or diet would be today.
tsmc must be one of the least corporate designed mega companies out there.
I was born in 1978
The trainspotting and the Jackie Brown soundtrack were the only CDs people wanted to hear at parties for a time. I learned to hate them both. The only boy who could ever teach me… And: I got a lust for life… Really annoy me now because of that.
I’m in my mid 40s and when I was that age let’s say in the mid 90s there were hardly any digital cameras and the image doesn’t look like a scan… So it’s day here is in his mid thirties. Know your memes says the picture is from 2009, so that roughly matches.
Thank you.