I’ve never had any other social media (aside from reddit and now lemmy) and I don’t spend hours a day doomscrolling here. I’m thinking if I did that, I’d go crazy.
Everything in moderation. This definitely includes doomscrolling. Not good for your mental health.
Mass Effect Trilogy. Kingdom Come Deliverance (can’t wait for KCD2!). Red Dead Redemption 2. Dishonored. Deus Ex. Baldur’s Gate 3. The Witcher 3. Disco Elysium. Dragon Age. Kotor. Bioshock. Cyberpunk2077 Divinity:OS+OS2
I can go on a bit, but anything with a good story gets me. I love being immersed. It helps me escape reality. Same goes for books. I love long series that I can throw myself into.