As ! will tell you the only approach is to back it up before it’s removed.
As ! will tell you the only approach is to back it up before it’s removed.
I was about to type something very similar, but switching words. “Wealthy” to me implies having enough wealth to not really worry. “Rich” makes me think of Lamborghinis and yachts and mountains of cocaine.
It might be old and slow, but I love RS-232. It works on every platform, you can write a client or server in just about any programming language in a handful of lines (and understand what they all do). I’ve literally made working RS-232 connections with paperclips and scotch tape. After the corpo wars when we’re all computing on salvaged tech you’ll come to appreciate it.
The Lemmy Gentle Whisper
Mostly you either went without knowing stuff, or you had to go to the library. I knew a couple of wealthy folks who had their own sets of encyclopedia at home which could cost thousands of dollars.
Public speaking. I’ve seen surveys where more people are afraid of speaking in front of an audience than they are of dying, which is utterly insane. For the vast, vast majority of scenarios where you might find yourself speaking to a group of people, the risk level is very low. Likewise, in the vast majority of cases, few people are likely to remember much about your performance. It’s just talking.
I wonder if this matrix app was just a honeypot that was named to trick people into thinking they were using the “real” matrix.
The Ancient Greeks had steam engines centuries before Rome existed and mostly just treated them as curiosities (probably because they were too impractical to use as weapons of war)
Obsidian or Joplin. Offline first, clients for every platform, and easy self-host (if you want) syncing options and plugins.
It’s a reasonable technology choice for whenever you need to have a ledger that is shared between multiple parties. Blockchain gives you an immutable (un-editable) history of transactions, including who made it, what it was, and where/when it happened, and gives all of the parties who are allowed to edit the ledger a way to trust in the outcome, even if the parties don’t trust each other.
Would be neat to see deaths or hospitalizations pre/post visualized this way too to really drive home the point for the “measles weren’t really that bad” crowd.
Skittles and starburst above sour patch kids is just madness.
he aged
I don’t want to be forever young, but I’d love to feel like I’m in my 20s until I’m 100.
I came across this, which shows the actual trend line for hurricanes and tropical storms, including those that did not make landfall -
I was under the impression that the number of hurricanes that made landfall had been increasing in recent decades, but the bottom chart suggests it’s about constant. Maybe it’s just the total number of storms then?
Shocked that Florida made it to double digits.
(sent, with love, from Florida)
Think the Baltics have a vested interest in seeing Ukraine succeed?
It would be ideal If the big activitypub platform stacks like mastodon, Lemmy, etc could agree on some standard like a federated OIDC or DID approach for all authx/authn functions. then fediverse users could get cross-platform and even cross-instance logins “for free”
A must-sing-along fav: Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses
Never again: that one about the boy buying shoes for his dying mother (not even gonna link)