There’s probably an XKCD about that.
There’s probably an XKCD about that.
deleted by creator
Ah that explains it, ty.
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Yeah seems really weird that a service with 2/3rds or more of the users than Discord is completely unknown to me or any of my fellas on the group discord when I asked them.
Can’t tell if I am falling out of touch, the service is aimed at a completely different demographic than me, or these numbers are bullshit.
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Duly noted, ty.
You know I heard S2 was bad, so I didn’t watch it when it came out but planned on eventually giving it a chance, but this thread and specifically this post just convinced me to never watch it and just keep the memory of Westworld being good in my head lol.
Oh I see, Nash Bridges just isn’t enough of a car-racing, hispanic sidekick having, San Fran cop for you.
I’m not even mad, I’m just disappointed.
Not '96-2001?
we all knew it was just lulz
Many, even most of you, sure.
All? Definitely not. I know someone who succumbed to the brain rot of 4chan, and went from a “normie” who (at least outwardly) treated all races and types of people with respect, to someone who viciously mocked our autistic friends, thought it was funny to use the F bomb and N word in public, and then eventually started getting super political, eventually becoming a trumpist (once that became a thing) then a full on qanon weirdo.
The last time I saw him I stopped by at a local coffee shop where a young black woman was working behind the counter, and he walked up and loudly shouted “HEY MY N****R!” (hard R) to me in front of her, she was mortified and ended up quitting the job, I told him off for it but was so embarassed I didn’t go back to that place for months.
We haven’t spoken in years, he’s separated from the friend group entirely (nobody wants anything to do with him), and it all started with 4chan normalizing this sort of behaviour for him. He was never the sharpest tool in the shed, and you can say it was his own fault for taking it seriously, but it’s sad regardless how he went from a lonely teenager to a hateful adult because of these “jokes” that “nobody” took seriously.
I mean, you even admit in your post, about edgelords “they took it seriously”, well guess what that shit ruins lives and makes the entire world a worse place.
But wow it was so funny how that one guy said the no no word and didn’t mean it right? So funny!
Judging from playing video games in EU lobbies, “Hamburger”?
One more step towards the inevitable weapons-free platform that will eventually come.
That’s mostly just an aesthetic, they still have scientific advancements beyond ours. Your own link continually mentions Alien (which is outdated as I mentioned) which even if it was made today, they have interstellar travel, live long-term cryogenics, futuristic vehicles and weapons beyond what we have today.
Just because they use old blinky retro computers doesn’t mean they have dozens of tech advances over ours, that’s literally the most surface level way to look at that setting, which really doesn’t have a lot of modern stories and is mainly just an aesthetic used for art.
Yeah it literally wouldn’t be sci fi without the sci, with the edge case of post-apocalypse scenarios aside, it would be kind of hard to do a sci fi without better tech. In fact aside from post-apocalypse or older outdated sci fi, I literally cannot think of any property we would call sci fi that doesn’t have better tech.
I mean, do you think cars aren’t a thing in rural areas or something? You think us country bumpkins are riding our horses around?
Haha good stuff ty.