Or Dont aupport them by using their software at all…
Crazy thought I know.
Or Dont aupport them by using their software at all…
Crazy thought I know.
If they dont drop the price by at least 50% goodbye nVidia.
So no more nVidia. Hello Intel.
The fact you think people need an LLM to create garbage is just weird. They can do it without it just fine. Better get some tinfoil, I hear putting it on your head stops the Artifical word predictor from copying your thoughts.
Not new and certainly very much not new to politics. Are you new?
Again not new stop grandstanding it as a new effect. Media outlets have been doing this since the dawn of journalism. Scientific process created to combat it, political standards to help reduce it fand laws to make it financially unattractive act remains its not new.
The only thing that is new. The financial gain from the hype of abusing the word AI and thr media not calling it out. But hey here we are back at the start. Its not new.
Propaganda isn’t new. Sure it’s more widely available now but it’s not new
I wouldnt be too worried they’ve just made an over glorified word predictor and blender of peoples art
The realestate claim is just plain backwards. It does depend on the person, but making the claim that people in general are happy to donate part of their home to their employer and impact their families with work from home is just wrong. Emails instead of meetings should be common sense for status meetings and has no impact on the choice to work from home. Meetings that have agendas should be in person, especially if its on sensitive topics. All reasons I have listed above.
Some people sure do benefit working from home. I liked no commute, it saved a lot of money and wasted time but it made home worse.
We work to live. Work should have no place in our home.
You have it backwards. Completely.
The only thing I loath about working in another building is: the commute and distractions. The commute is expensive and a huge waste of time. I try and minimise the time waste with audio books but its forced waste of money. The distractions can be minimised with headphones.
Its the Great Filter theory, aliens would be historians potentially documenting the Great filter in action tbh. If they exist with the resources and interest to do so. Yet could humans even comprehend their existence, it could be just so incomprehensible we wouldnt even know what we couldnt even know. Hope that makes sense.
Well there it is, the dumbest thing I’ve read on the internet today.
Go back to basics and start with html.
And Australia, at least state of NSW made it mandatory
Jesus christ you think everyone is on 6 figure salaries
It means nothing.Unless you’re offering to help pay the difference?.
This message, proudly sponsored by Tesla.
Household transport is a fraction of a fraction of the states emissions. But hey that cost of living sure is going through the roof, better double the cost of cars to shift internal combustion to remote combustion.
See a shrink you have at minimum anger management problems being triggered here. Anxiety and perhaps some form of neurological disorder if you’re sensitive to loud noises in general but it’s worth finding out to manage it.
They actually have not thought of that no. In fact there is a cult like level of ignorance that has already just caused a serious fire & toxic release with this exact same hair brain layout and design. That said the method of fire containment is very new out of the Netherlands I believe.
Bring on electric grid storage but don’t delude yourself it’s all sunshine and rainbows. The dangers of lithium nickel cobalt fires and toxic chemical release is very serious with a weird cult like level of ignorance. The actual grid battery fires and subsequent poisioning that’s occurred recently without consideration for the downwind population and groundwater are raising some big red flags.
Current state procedure for putting out lithium nickel cobalt fires. Hazmat gear and let it burn out.
Someones been living under a rock