ublock origin still works
Also, AFAIK, configuring NoScript and only allowing youtube and ytimg to load works.
uBlock can also block Javascript just like NoScript
on android too if you have firefox
Doesn’t work on mobile.
Works with firefox mobile
NewPipe does!
Revanced has worked no problemo through the whole ad blocker ordeal
Firefox + uBlockOrigin
Any browser + uBlockOrigin
Any non-chromium browser + uBlockOrigin
Aye now we’re talking
RIP Vivaldi then 🥲
Not for much longer.
RIP 🥲 I love Vivaldi. Let’s see.
Ad blockers work fine, what do you mean? Youtube lost, their next big idea wont even try kicking in until next year.
As others have said, adblockers do still work on YouTube. Specifically, uBlock Origin works great on YouTube, as long as you don’t use it with any other adblockers.
Also if you’re using Chrome, stop using Chrome. uBlock Origin still works on Chrome most of the time but Google is doing their best to kill it off. Switch to Firefox.
Ad blockers do still work on YouTube if you switch to Firefox. Aternatiely you ca n try out some 3rd party YouTube front end websites like invidious and piped. Just try out a few different instances each are a little different and some may work better than others.
I personally like vid.puffyan.us for invidious and piped.video for piped.
There is also the app FreeTube for desktops as well.
And Newpipe + Sponsor Block for phones. Downside is there are no playlists. Upside no ads or sponsor nonsense and you can download.
You can create playlists on NewPipe
You don’t.
You’ll take whatever cock daddy capitalism shoves down your throat and you’ll damn well like it.
Or use an adblocker.
Soooooo I’m liking option B).
deleted by creator
You have a choice. Use their service with the shitty ads or find something else to do.
It sucks, but that’s what you’ve got.
Third option is to use the service without ads by either subscribing or using an adblocker.
that’s just a temporal patch and does not solve the monopoly situation
god i wish it were that easy
Capitalism is supposed to give consumers choice.
Nah that’s just propaganda, capitalism is supposed to be efficient and make profits, but tends towards monopolies over time.
User choice comes ONLY from regulation preventing monopolies and dishonest practices.
deleted by creator
Reporting the ad does not make it disappear. I still get that fucking epoch times trans-hate ad all the time.
I’ve reported it about a dozen times so far.
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unlock orgin is one of the best Adblockers and there’s revanced, newpipe sponsorock and YouTube frontends
edit: or you could leave and reclick on the video
Sorry to nitpick, but it’s Ublock Origin. I know autocorrect hates “ublock”
thanks, im an human and humans make mistakes
edit: i have auto correct off but the middle text button thing on
I 100% want trying to be a dick to you, I only said that in case people that didn’t know better tried to search it. Apologies if I came off sideways!
When the ad is playing you may see Sponsored X:XX and a little i in a circle in the lower left corner. Click the i. This will give you the ability to block or report the ad as appropriate. It will also show you what category has been associated to you as to why you received the ad, you can say if you want more or less ads of that category.
The iOS mobile app has a bug currently where you need to quit the app and come back after doing this, but it does block the ad and you won’t see that particular cut of the ad again. Unfortunately unless it’s a mid-video ad, or from a channel you’re subscribed to you will lose the video you’re watching as it hasn’t made it into your play history yet. But if the ad was mid-video your video can be resumed via history. For clarity, the video still exists, it’s just hit or miss if the video will be in the curated randomness they present you for you to try starting the video again.
I wouldn’t know, haven’t seen an ad on youtube in like 10 years.
- Tap and hold on the YouTube app icon
- Press “Delete”
- Confirm any following prompts
Worked perfectly! Thanks!
Here’s a creative way to do it.
- Print out the downvote symbol and a screenshot of the ad.
- Dip the paper in dog shit to emphasize that the ad is a shitpost.
- Send it to 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043.
- ???
- Profit.
Its not possible to “downvote” ads but you can still block them by using ublock origin on firefox
Just use newpipe or something similar. I haven’t used the actual YouTube app in years there’s literally no reason to
the ad center in your account would be where you would tweak what kind of ads you get.
It’s in data and privacy. https://myadcenter.google.com/home